I sighed, staring at the drab colorless walls. My little ones rustling in my womb. They knew something was wrong. They hadn't felt their father's presence in about five days.
My hands were various shades of purple and barely healing. There was no source of anything in this room. Even the plush queen sized mattress in the center of the room was merely a necessity for my condition.
Alex had an IV inserted in my arm, keeping me pumped with various liquids. Most of which had different sedating effects on my body. I could hardly move now. The medicine was being pumped into me on an hourly basis.
I was fed three times a day. That was the only point in the day I looked forward to. The meals were very nutritionally rich and were tailored to a high-risk pregnant woman's diet. I knew that I was only being kept alive because I was bearing Albert's young.
Alex, I haven't seen her since I was dragged into this cell. The first day, I killed and slaughtered around fifteen mercs, trying to escape. After that, I was muzzled with a metal gag that made me unable to bite. The second day, a scientist injected me with the destabilizing agent for the Angelis virus.
I couldn't feel the Uroboros that dwelled within me. My working theory was that the agent destabilized the main strain of the progenitor virus, which led to a lack of communication between cells. In short sight, I had no access to my abilities. I was most worried about my children, however. They were more active and somehow stronger. Their movements were painful. With what little sense I had with the weakened state of Angelis, I knew they were as strong as Albert and I with our mutations active.
On the third day, I didn't leave the bed. My children drained my energy to the point that I was barely able to keep awake. I felt the bags under my eyes grow more strained as each minute passed.
It was now day five, and the bed held my weakened body. The room had windows with metal bars over them, showing me the sun setting. What was I to do.
I was pulled from my thoughts by a loud kerchunck from the heavy lock upon the door. My eyes are looking down now at the door. If my virus wasn't so weakened, my eyes would have flared. In a white suit she strode in, the source of my problems. Alex Wesker, she had finally revealed herself.
"Good evening, deary. I'm glad to see you're making yourself at home." She said, walking over to the bed.
All I did was snarl. My natural teeth were bared over the gag. She simply chortled and ran her freezing fingers over my belly. I thrashed out, launching the IV out of my arm.
With a single push, she sent my body tumbling. I guarded my little ones from harm. My arm moved on their own. Alex laughed. The cruel peels of her voice echo threw out the barren room.
"Now, now deary, do you not realize your situation? I'm the one in charge of your care now. My foolish brother could never comprehend the true magnitude of someone of our caliber." She said stalking over to my crumpled up body on the edge of the wall.
I growled as I slowly felt heat crawling through my veins and a chill glaze my skin. All to familiar comforts I thought had been taken from me. Angelis and Uroboros were returning.
I stood up. My body is shaking like a leaf in autumn's cold eerie drafts. My eyes flared, the glow brighter than normal. Alex merely clapped at the sight.
"There we go. See, even when locked up, when you're in my care, you are constantly evolving, and getting more adapted to what flows through your veins deary." Alex smirked as she stood in front of me.
I let a feral growl rip from my throat, her baseless lies falling upon deaf ears. That was when she did something strange. She leaned in, pushing me against the wall, her hand on my sternum.

resident evil: arch angel [An Albert Wesker X Oc Story]
ActionAfter the death of her student, she delves into the depths of insanity to save the one she loved. With her goals pure and her heart set, she knew what she had to do. She had to untwist his mind, break it down, and pull everything from underneath him...