Chapter 21: Dearly Departed (normal p.o.v)

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Run ..... that was what permeated throughout my mind. I didn't know where to but something deep inside told me I'd be safe. The day washed over me as I tread through the forest.

Escaping the base was easy from speeding the camera's frame rate to jumping through the closing vehicle bay door. I knew the place was designed to escape. Spencer's choice was just in case the Simmons family decided to poke their heads into Umbrella's private affairs.

I was running as fast as I could. My sprint caused the wind to roar in my ears. Fear rippling throughout my actions. What ifs playing on a constant loop?

What if Albert just wanted me dead for betraying him or what if he wanted to inject me with an incomplete Uroboros and use me as an experiment? I doubt he'd just let me off with a slap on the wrist and a kiss on the cheek.

I slowly came to a stop having reached my destination. Alistar's memorial was in shambles. Nature took back what was hers. I could have the maintenance crew come out and repair the statues; however, that would reveal my secret place to my workers. Ugh, I could easily come out here and trim the vines and rampant weeds but that wouldn't fix the statuary.

I had to use my powers to repair the statue of my daughter's angel. I was sure that my mutations were still unstable after the combat with Albert earlier. The pressure to fix the statuary was massive I could hear Surgei's voice mocking me. Telling me if I had just chosen him how my baby girl would still be alive.

I gripped my head and shouted in agony. Sergei's voice stayed either mocking or laughing maniacally. As the voices steadily got louder and louder. The sounds started to merge into this horrible ringing. I dropped to the ground and curled up with my hands gripping my head tighter.

My daughter... why did I fail so badly in keeping her safe? She didn't deserve to die at the hands of surgei. She didn't deserve to have the family that raised her taken by Umbrella. She doesn't deserve to have her final resting place be that hell hole where we were treated like mice.

I closed my eyes and sobbed. After about thirty minutes of the deafening ringing, I felt something warm wrap around me and pull me into an embrace.

"Quiet now, my dear little lotus," Albert said, "Is this the memorial you built for her, my dear?"

Upon hearing him call me his lotus I knew I wasn't in any danger; however, I didn't stop crying. My eyes wouldn't stop letting the salty tears spill from them. When I tried to speak my voice shook and cracked, "yes".

"It is time you let go my dearheart. Her death is on Sergei and although I never actually met her she was still my daughter. I will help you properly mourn." He spoke pulling me closer to his chest and taking off his sunglasses," you have her original files, I am guessing? Not the ones you presented to me."

I pulled out my PDA and logged into the database stored in White Queen. I sighed as I pulled up her original files and handed the pad to him. I tried to pull away but he held me tight.

On the screen was a young woman just over twenty-one. She had gorgeous long warm blonde hair that matched her father's and a womanly body similar to her mother's. Her eyes were a stormy grey from the imperfect bonding with the Angelis virus.

I heard Wesk choke back a single sob, "her personality was a lot like your's Albert, cold and stoic; however, once she cared about someone she'd guard or help them any way she could."

Albert stared at the pda reading her back story and how she was highly resistant to all of the progenitor-based viruses. How Sergei killed her for bringing me a new umf system that was locked from the red queen and all Umbrella officials.

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