Chapter 16: Dealing

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original P.O.V.

After Steve stitched me up, I had archer pull up a black Escalade from the vehicle bay with an old Umbrella emblem on the side. this old stallion was my transit vehicle when I escaped from Surgei's grasp with the help of the BSAA.

Mr. Irving was sitting in the dining room enjoying a medium-rare t-bone steak with 2 over-medium eggs.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Mr. Irving?" I inquired with a smile on my face.

"Top notch, glad I could eat before we go and they even gave me three macarons. I must say the service is impeccable." He chirped.

"Good, I'm glad you are being well treated," I stated sitting on a nearby couch.

The time passed quickly, Steve made his way down by five forty-five as we were loading the Escalade. We stocked the arms and virus vials. I was even sure to pack something for me and Steve to eat while en route, roast beef sandwiches with naturally smoked gouda, full leaf butter lettuce, and roasted garlic and chive mayo.

Archer was at the front of the car waiting for the crew to move out. He turned towards Steve and Irving.

"Remember that if you are caught we never heard of you. The same goes for you, Ms. Alistar. We will remain on guard of the old Umbrella campus till you return." He spoke with high authority, "your unit from Africa set out to the location last night, return safely."

"Understood Archer," I spoke.

The other two nodded in agreement and we loaded into the Escalade. Steve took to the driver's seat and started the S.U.V. to roaring life. As soon as Irving and I took our seats, Steve sped down the long entrance way towards Pittsburgh.

Hours and a bunch of silence passed till we reached the location of the exchange. An old abandoned factory just outside of Pittsburgh. It was surrounded by a bunch of gnarled pines.

"We've arrived," I said pulling out my pistol from the glove compartment. "I'll lead just stay quiet till we reach the inside. Ricardo gets the vials for Mr. Arias from the back of the car and is prepared for the exchange."

"No need to tell me twice." He said shaking his head, " you take your job seriously, no wonder Wesker chose you over some majini."

"Like I said before I'm the best at what I do," I spoke my voice dark and unyielding.

Steve drove without a word into the main building's central area. We were greeted by four men armed with AK 47s and a man with bright white hair.

"Arias." Steve whispered, " I'll be in the car in case things fall through".

"Right," I spoke stepping from the car followed by Irving.

"Ahh Ricardo my old friend I see you brought a bodyguard this time and she's quite the specimen, Wesker must be running low on the subject if he used this beauty for his experiments," Arias spoke.

"This is Wesker's wife's student, she has been in service to him since she decided to find him. She is the best at what she does." Irving spoke winking as he spoke, "she quite the asset if you get what I mean."

"Hold your tongue Irving. That is my employee you are talking about." A familiar voice said.

Steve walked forward holding his laptop revealing Wesker on screen.

"Glen it has been a while, allow me to introduce Alistar Lancaster, she is my new head of security." He spoke with traces of venom on his tongue.

"Dr. Wesker it's a joy to see you in some form I was wondering if I'd see you again. Ms. Lancaster, I'm sorry about this. It's going to be a long and dreary chat between colleagues." Arias spoke sighing with a smirk.

RED FLAG! just screamed off in my head. Gun, grab it. I quickly drew my samurai edge and pointed it at Arias's head, "what are you playing at Arias?" I quickly said as four AK- 47s pointed at me and Ricardo.

 Arias started to laugh, "My my... Wesker, your new head of security is quite sharp. She is almost a replica of you. I wonder what would happen if she was exposed to the A...."

"B.S.A.A. EVERYONE FREEZE!" armed men poured into the room opening fire on the men in the room.

"HE SET US UP!" Irving screamed running for the car.

I turned on my com link," Steve take Irving and get out of here I'll lead the B.S.A.A. away.".

"Alistar no I'm your medical advisor. I'm not letting you just run off to get shot or captured. Wesker would kill me.'' Steve shouted through the com.

"Mr. Burnside do as she says she's faster than the average B.O.W. and can without a doubt outrun some morons with assault weapons." Wesker said calmly through the com link, "Archer was quite difficult to obtain this frequency from. I'm heading to your location Ms. Lancaster, rendezvous with me in five hundred meters."

"Why are you even here sir?" Steve asked as he quickly backed out in the old S.U.V. speeding away.

"Excella was annoying me and my mole monitoring my old enemy Redfield is coming this way."

Suddenly I was surrounded by Arias's men and was hit hard in the back of the head. Dropping to my knees I had released the grip I had on my samurai edge.

"No ....sir.... abort your objective. They will be wanting you arrested. I'm just a pawn..." I heard dark sniggering as a man with massive muscles and a harness started to reach for my ankle.

"I don't think you'll be needing this." Arias reached down and ripped off my com link collar.

A loud bang rang out amongst the rapid gunfire.  I looked up and the muscle man was holding Arias running out.

"Bag her and tag her boys. Agent Redfield will want to question this one." A muffled voice said.

"Without a doubt, let's go Marco." another voice said as the two men hoisted me up and zip-tied my wrists together, and injected a sedative into my neck.

"" I felt my anger suppress itself and my arms go limp as I was walked out of the building and into the back of an armored B.S.A.A. vehicle.

"Sir we got her."

"Good, she's back where she belongs."

</ time skip \>


Chris's P.O.V.

The lady in the interrogation room was my sister. She kept calling herself Alistar Lancaster, a leader of an anti-bio-terror unit under the U.N.  The Phoenix Corps and only heard them mentioned once by O'Brian. They were allowed to operate in undercover missions in major active bio-terror units to feed Intel to the multiple anti-bioterrorism units all over the world. We're comprised of former Umbrella employees and survivors. All made by T.

We were told to release her but I had a DNA test run. It had to be my sister. No one else  I know would be crazy enough to use their dead daughter's name.

"Redfield, would you like to talk to her? She won't respond to us except to ask for water." Marco said handing me a lukewarm mug of coffee.

"I'll take a crack at it but O'Brian said we've got about forty-five minutes before her aid is picking her up." I sipped at the old burnt coffee.

"We did lose the weapons of hers in the firefight." He said with an annoyed tone, "she must be slow who brings just a pistol to a bio weapon deal?"

"Wesker did at the Spencer mansion when Jill...." I coughed the bile rising in my throat.

"Hey, sorry man I didn't mean to get you started up." Marco patted my back and left.

No better time than the present for dealing with this mess.

Hey everyone it was update time well I'll try and have the next one out as soon as I can. Lots of bs in my day-to-day ya know. Have an amazing day. My name is silfarianhawk and I'm not so far away.

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