Chapter 29: Survival (Weskers P.O.V.)

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Upon seeing Tabitha's unconscious form being rolled into her medical bay I felt a wave of relief wash over me. The bandages were barely bloody. She looked like she was sleeping peacefully, I am positive that she was at rest for once.

"You know you staring at her like that makes you seem more like a stalker rather than her husband," Gale said walking into the room I.V. in hand.

"And you would know that how, Chambers?" I asked a slight tone of irritation in my voice.

He shrugged and started to tap on Tabitha's left arm to find a vein, "So you are back in the picture ay boss? That's good for her. She's a great person when she's not a little lonely and depressed."

"She normally has to get I.V.s in her hand. She has rolling veins Chambers." I said taking her other hand in my own," She is so beautiful, I regret not choosing to come to find her supposed corpse after the Raccoon City incident. I remember when Birkin called me to tell me she passed. I was enraged and inconsolable. He had told me Sergei had killed her and was taking her corpse with Spencer out of Raccoon City."

"I know, I was the U.B.C.S. agent on that helicopter. She was leaning up against me cold as ice. But on oxygen and an I.V. of some drug keeping her alive and unconscious. Spencer handed Vladimir a vial and a syringe." He said poking the needle into Tabitha's left dorsal metacarpal vein.

"That was when he infected her with the angelis virus then," I said stroking her hair out of her face and adjusting my sunglasses.

"Yes, I think so at least. Who's that?" Gale asked and I turned my head.

"Albert, are you in here?" Excella said entering the medical bay.

"Excella will you prep my serum? I'll take it in here. I haven't had my dose this afternoon." I quickly said to get her to leave.

"Yes, Albert," She quickly said rushing out.

Gale looked at me slightly shaking his head " Damnit Wesker you got a lot of bitches who want a piece of you, but not in hand-to-hand combat if you know what I mean. By the way, does that one bitch just piss you off cuz you told her to scram real quick since you sent her away so quickly?" He laughed and I felt my eyes flared slightly.

"That is none of your concern Chambers. Now back to the previous discussion. How long were you in the Russian base with my precious lotus?" I asked looking back at Tabitha.

"Winter of ninety-eight just after the Rockfort incident. I got infected by a Bandersnatch when Alfred lost control of his base. T was in her sleeper mode as I'd call it and Vladimir had her hair a silverfish color at the time. You might not have known it was her at the time but she was the one who caused the explosion where your face got badly burnt in Antarctica. She doesn't remember anything from her sleeper modes. Vladimir enjoyed telling her what she did when we returned. She damn near committed suicide. I had to stop her that time."

"I should get her in to see my psychologist based at the Tricell base. She was caused so much trauma by that bastard Sergei. My goddess deserves the best care." I said caressing her cheek.

She was going to be the mother of our new world, with Uroboros and the Angelis virus we are unstoppable. I just need my delicate lotus to be stable enough to keep herself safe when I'm not around. I was gone for so long from her life but still managed to love me enough to come find me. Even if it was under the guise of our daughter.

"There aren't many of us left are there Wesker?" Gale said standing in the door frame holding a picture of Rebecca

"What are you going on about Chambers?" I demanded to know being pulled from my train of thought.

"Us as Umbrellas pawns and S.T.A.R.S. survivors. We are the only three in the world that knew what happened that night and why." Gale said tucking away the photo and going for a lighter.

"You still have that old thing," I asked walking over and taking off my sunglasses.

"It has sentimental value, ya know. Barry gave me this on my first day in S.T.A.R.S. Barry said you might need this in the future kid keep it with ya, and he handed me this lighter. You were right when you told me that we survivors walk a difficult path, but I had Rebecca. You two on the other hand were fucked from the get-go. Sergei keeping you and her apart."

"It was difficult but in the end, we made it back to each other. How is Rebecca anyway?" I asked genuinely curious but was met by a dangerous glare.

"Leave my sister out of this Wesker. She is finally in a safe place and I'm not letting her back in the field just yet." Gale said turning to face me.

"I seemed to have touched a nerve, you are as hot-headed as you were in S.T.A.R.S. Chambers," I said with a smirk.

"Bet I could beat out your sorry ass now. I'm twice the combatant I was when I was vice-captain of the Bravo team." Gale said smugly.

"You couldn't even beat Tabitha when she had her ankle in a brace." I scoffed.

"Alright, we spar and if I win you keep Rebecca off the table with your plans." He said offering his hand out.

I was intrigued I used to take these bets with Tabitha, "What do I get if I win then Chambers?"

"I'll go back with you to Africa as long as I can continue my work with Phoenix Corps." Gale offered his hand still and firm.

"Alright deal but I must warn you even in her equinoxal state I still have not lost to Tabitha," I said.

"Follow me," Gale said walking out of Tabitha's med bay.

The walk was not long on the left-hand side of the vehicle bay was a large gym. Next to that was a glass room with judo mats along the floor. An Emblem of a blue and green Phoenix on the wall.

"This is where I train the recruits. Takea the best to make the best." Chambers said tossing aside his jacket and getting into a starting stance.

"So you think you can beat me Chambers? Let us see if what I taught you is still in that thick skull of yours." I said lunging at Gale at full speed landing a cobra strike on his chest.

Gale chuckles "Ok, wesker that was a nice little move there" Gale dashes forward towards me as I prepped my counter however, Gale sidesteps to the right and hits me square in the jaw.

"Not bad," I smirked wickedly grabbing onto the fist he just hit me with and slamming my heel into Gale's side holding on to his fist attempting to dislocate his shoulder, "but not good enough."

"Trying to break my arm this early wesker," Gale says sarcastically.

Gale turns his body towards me trying to go for a body kick but I quickly catch him and throw him against a wall "Had enough yet Chambers"

"Come on we both know your wife hits harder than that." Gale cracks his neck standing up from the floor and unsheathing his Rambo knife, speeds behind me. In the blink of an eye, the tip of his blade snagged my left shoulder tearing it mildly into flesh.

"try and keep up Wesker." Gale mocked.

"You'll pay for that dearly Chambers" I said slightly frustrated and charged for Gale.

Gale smirked quickly sidestepped and slashed my side.

Grabbing my side I growled, "Hmm and I know my dear lotus taught you not to get cocky."

I grabbed the blade, dislodging it from Gale's hand and throwing it into the wall. quickly spinning and I landed a palm strike on Gale's center of gravity.

Even though watching Chambers struggle to regain balance is entertaining I knew I had to end this. With a quick roundhouse kick to the face, I knocked Gale to the floor. Pinning him with my knee and resting my arm on his throat, "You may be faster Chambers, but your technique is severely flawed when it comes to superiors such as myself."

"Not bad boss not many can get me down." Gale coughs.

Tabitha walks in clapping, "Not bad for the first spar in years between my best student and my greatest treasure."

Hey everyone slifarianhawk here I partnered up with my co-writer to bring you this chapter have an amazing weekend next chapter will be a good one
My name is Silfarianhawk and I'm not so far away.

resident evil: arch angel [An Albert Wesker X Oc Story]Where stories live. Discover now