chapter 43: what belongs where

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When we arrived at Jake and Reina's home, Jake got out and opened my door. He was a quiet kid. He had barely said a word the entire ride to his place, only saying Hunk should run to the store for some food. Albert offered to drive him and pay for the food. Hunk agreed.

Jake held the door while I got out of the car. He held himself with a prideful stance. Walking me up to the door I could tell was difficult for him. He knew I was his biological mom... I bet that threw him for a loop.

"Please come in. We didn't have much, but it's where me, ma, and teach called home," Jake said, unlocking the door and letting us in from the rain.

"Thank you, Jake," I said, looking upon the house.

It was indeed small but very cozy. The entranceway opened up to a living room that was connected to the kitchen and dining room. It was more open than I remembered it being in ninety-two. Yet the nostalgic smell of roses, lavender, and sage stayed the same.

"Not what you were expecting? Thought your contributions would go further, hmm?" Jake asked, pulling down a couple of white ceramic mugs.

"No, it's just more open than I remembered, and the paint looks fresher too. Did you and Hunk remodel for Reina?"  I asked, noticing Jake put a kettle on the worn-down electric coil stove.

"Whoa! You can tell, huh? Yeah, teach, and I did it just after Mom got diagnosed with cancer. We thought more open space would be better for her in case she fell we could see her. Shortly after, Ma got with a, and we were a small family." Jake said, turning on the burner, "Unfortunately Ma wasn't big on there being coffee in the house, but we do have plenty of tea. What's your poison?"

I gently chuckle, "Jasmine, if you have it, and the whole no coffee thing was something her mom tried to drill into us. She was a bit of a health nut."

"Jasmine is mom's favorite. She had a special blend made for her at the local tea shop. Jasmine and Rose Hips, the tea is one reason the house smells the way it does." Jake said as the kettle began to whistle, "Sugar or cream?"

"Some sugar would be lovely." I smiled as he grabbed a tray with some chipped and worn china on it.

"Please go make yourself comfortable on the sofa. I'd feel like a total dick if I made a pregnant woman stand for tea that wouldn't be done for several minutes."  He said with a smirk on his face.

Gods did he look just like his father with that shit-eating grin on his face, "And you got my tongue that's for damn sure. I used to get heavy doses of bar soap to the mouth when I was your age."

We both laughed at that as I sat down. The living room was small with a china cabinet against the far wall and a nineteen-inch box TV in front of a blackout-curtained window. The carpets weren't the prettiest color, and they were pretty badly matted. I was curious about how the money I was giving Reina was being spent, but I figured I'd ask later.

That was when I noticed it out of the corner of my eye. There was a piano. Sure, it looked rough, but I knew Reina had a soft spot for it. I waddled my butt over to the piano and sat on the bench.

"Oh, that old thing caught your eye, huh? Mom gave piano lessons to supplement our income. Unfortunately, after a while of being a midwife in a near-constant war zone business dies. The money you sent us mainly covered bills and my school's tuition." Jake said, setting the tray down on the coffee table.

"I'm sorry kid. I would have sent more if I could. Sigh, with Umbrella breathing down my neck I'm surprised you both didn't get found sooner. Fucking Sergei, fucking Spencer, they both deserve to be where they are rotting now." I said as he brought me my mug of tea.

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