chapter 49: Malice Fades (Wesker's P.O.V)

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"You three had better be at the rendezvous point and in position when Alex and I meet for the exchange." I said as Chambers, Jill, and Cerberus leaped onto the dock.

"You got it, boss. We are leaving this place with tabs one way or another." Gale said, making sure his rifle was slung properly over his shoulder.

"Don't get so confident, Gale." Jill started, "This is unknown hostile territory. While we may have satellite shots, we don't know what's out there."

"Just keep your head on straight, Galeforce." Cerberus said, "Alecto escort Dr. Wesker into the enemy lines. It's just been over a week since Arias reported Blake was successful. We don't even know if the plan worked or not."

Nighthawk nodded, his hand perched on his killer seven. He led me off the boat and on a long broken dock. There was a rusted army jeep at the end of the dock. It was obviously left there for transport.

"No driver? Alex really has lost all sense of decorum." I sighed as nighthawk opened the drivers side door.

"I'll take you to her headquarters. There isn't much here anymore." He said as the jeep sputtering to life.

As we drove off, the distant sound of automatic gun fire broke over the silence. I had a sinking feeling. I glanced over at nighthawk, and he simply nodded.

My dearest lotus, please don't let her get to you before I see you once more.

I felt the Angelis waking in my veins. The shock that was racing through my body told me one thing, she's here. It yearns for her touch. Just as I'm sure the Uroboros was telling her I've come.

"What the hell?" Nighthawk hawk muttered, an edge of fear lingering in his tone.

Looking out the windshield, I noticed what he had commented on. Piles upon piles of what appeared to be a mix of guards, armed soldiers, and miners all in front of what appeared to be mass graves. The sight was clearly disheartening to my nephew. Even I who had seen similar sights had yet to see one to this extent.

"Pull over here, Alecto." I said, "something tells me I need to look into this."

He simply nodded and pulled off the road, driving towards the morbid scene. He stopped the vehicle about five yards away from the closest pile. His hand was on his magnum holster.

"Don't stay for too long, sir. This place really has my feathers ruffled." He said, his eyes narrowing as if there was something along the horizon.

"Contact Gale and Jill, see if they found anything similar to this. Either Alex has gone further off the rails than I had anticipated, or something has been created that she can't control." I said, stepping out of the jeep.

I walked between the piles, blood mixed with dirt caked onto my boots. The scent of decay barely rearing it's ugly head. This fact in itself was strange. The bodies should have been heavy with the smell, given the ambient temperature was around sixty-five degrees and given the state of the bodies they had been decomposing for a week at the latest.

I watched as Uroboros stirred below my skin. Warning against touching the corpses, as it seemed. I glazed at the guards and soldiers. Their forms were more mangled than those of the miners whose throats were just cut enough to sever the arteries. The ones under Alex's employ wore expressions of agony.

The thing that did this wanted Alex's forces to suffer. Yet it was compassionate enough to grant relatively fast deaths to the locals. I had no doubt in my mind when I saw the difference. What did that drug you designed do to you love?

"Albert, I thought that was your silhouette I saw." I heard Alex's shrill voice cut through the air, "Quite a mess your monster of a whore can make."

"Where is she Alex?" I snarled turning to the direction her voice came from.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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