[Normal pov]
Shortly after landing I called Archer and arranged a black S.U.V. arranged to pick up Steve, Irving and I. Archer advised me that given the location it would be about thirty minutes to pick us up from the private airstrip.
"So where are we staying Ms. Lancaster?" Irving asked holding a black and silver case with a Tricell logo on it.
"Oh, my apologies Mr. Irving I forgot to inform you of the arrangements. We will be staying at the Pheonix Core hunting lodge. It's a four-star lodge with full accommodations and to mention it is the location of one of my contacts." I spoke with sincerity.
"Wow, that is better than what Excella normally arranges." He states excitedly.
"I had hoped so. The lodge is a remnant of my teacher's legacy. It should be more homely than a Holiday or Hilton inn." I spoke exhausted from the plane ride and sat on the blacktop.
"Alistar are you okay?" Steve asked.
"Yea just a mix of jet lag and exhaustion. I hate planes." I said shaking my head, " I know they're safe but I never feel right after getting off one.".
"Where are we anyway?" Irving asked starting out at the trees in a distance.
"A forest in the southeast part of Ohio, just over two hours from our transaction location. The lodge is tucked away in the forest. This is a private airstrip from the days the Umbrella facility was active." I spoke pointing out the lights in the distance, "That area is the biohazard zone."
Steve looked very concerned, "Why is the lodge so close to it?"
"Who better to keep it on lockdown than the people my teacher trained to handle B.O.Ws and outbreak situations. If a biohazard were to happen the Pheonix Corps would mobilize." I said.
At that point, everyone went quiet as a loud howl pierced the silence.
"It seems I may need to have Archer started on that. After all the Ohio base is the one Wesker sent us to, maybe he knows something they don't." I stared out into the forest.
"You keep bringing up Pheonix core and Pheonix corps. Just who the Hell are they?" Irving asked, "I've never heard of them."
"That's by choice." A thickly accented voice said stepping from black Escalade, "Ms. Tabitha wanted to be sure we weren't found by the Connections, the Simmons family, anyone who would want to harm her. She gave her self up to Umbrella by returning to Raccoon city after the mansion incident. She had us up and running after using the money she saved to open a chain of pastry shops and a motel. We were privately funded by a trust she set up without Sergei's knowledge and our profits.
An Indian man in a dark blue collar shirt with swept-back black hair with matching blue lowlights now stood in the headlights. This made me smile in relief. The person who stood there was Archer.
"Archer! You startled me." I smiled pushing myself up and dusting my ass off.
"Ms. Lancaster, I'm relieved to see you unharmed. Is the Angelis stable or do I need to escort you to the lab when we arrive at our destination." Archer look concerned seeing me exhausted.
"No, no I'm alright. I just need some food and some rest. I FUCKING HATE FLYING." I said exhausted, "Sigh, Archer please assist Mr. Burnside and Mr. Irving with loading the cargo. I need a quick rest. We can address your concerns once we arrive, I promise."

resident evil: arch angel [An Albert Wesker X Oc Story]
ActionAfter the death of her student, she delves into the depths of insanity to save the one she loved. With her goals pure and her heart set, she knew what she had to do. She had to untwist his mind, break it down, and pull everything from underneath him...