chapter 37: an old grudge

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I stalked through the caves. Slowly following Excella with my hand on my samurai edge. Jill and Gale walked beside me.

Albert's voice rang out in my mind, "Take Jill and Gale with you to the meet-up. I don't want Arias to try and take you away from me again, dearheart. Not to mention the natives are less than friendly."

I stare at the heavy ring on my finger. No way in hell was I about to let that happen again.

"Pay attention, you three!" Excella snapped as I sent Gale off to find a good sniping post, "We need to try and mend our relationship with Mr. Arias. He is one of our best buyers and one of our major clients!"

I felt a growl building in my throat. Arias, the fact I would have to play nice with him left a bitter taste in my mouth. Not only for the fact he saw me be an utter embarrassment to Albert by being captured by the B.S.A.A. but I think he was one of Sergei's suppliers. I'm not too sure on that one, though maybe I'd ask. There was also the fact he tried to kidnap me as well. 

I felt a buzzing on my neck, "My comm is going off."

Excella sighed and walked ahead.

"Pheonix here," I said pressing the speaker on my choker.

"No need for codenames with me, my precious lotus," Albert said, his voice echoing through the comms.

"Wesk," I sigh hesitantly scratching the back of my neck, "are you sure me being here is the best idea? I feel it could lead to trouble the last time. The last time I saw him I was our daughter now I'm your wife and partner."

"Don't sell yourself short my dear. Just be your usual cheery self, my love. Just reintroduce yourself as who you truly are." He said a slightly sour note to his tone of voice.

"Of course, my treasure. I shall" I smiled his voice giving me confidence as I heard a chuckle over the line.

Ugh, the fucking mushroom!

"Galeforce! Are you in position?" I snap.

He laughed almost shouting over the comms, "Of course, I'm in fucking position! What do you think I am a dead pigeon!"

Sighing I groan, "Don't listen to mine and Wesker's conversations over comms."

"Now now boss, don't let me blow away the romance." Game said cocking his kar98.

"Tabitha let's hurry. Excella is already at the rendezvous." Jill said behind her mask and cloak. 

"Right. Love you Wesk see you in a moment." I said hanging up the comms and marching on.

Within five minutes we were at the dock. I watched as Irving pulled in with a certain man with white hair. His minions are beside him. I was paranoid something was going to happen. I just felt it deep inside.

"Ah lady Excella, I see Dr. Wesker didn't escort you this time, " Arias said kissing her hand.

"He is making sure everything is perfect for your visit Glen." She said smiling.

"And who are these lovely people with you, Excella? One is certainly familiar." He asked motioning to me and Jill.

"One is the new bodyguard that Wesker assigned to me. The other is..."She started to stammer.

I quickly bow slightly,  "My apologies lord Arias, we have indeed met before although I was reticent about my true identity. When we last met I was using the identity of my deceased daughter,  Alistar Lancaster."

"Ah yes, I remember you now. You were captured by the B.S.A.A were you not? How ever did you manage to escape?" He asked eyeing my form suspiciously.

"Escape would be the incorrect term. They let me go under the UN's orders. As you have your resources, I have mine. If you would allow me the honor of reintroducing myself, I would be most grateful." I said pushing my loose hair back.

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