Chapter 6: New life

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Normal pov:

I sighed as yanked against the metal cuffs binding me to the bed. I was getting annoyed. At least when I was on the run I didn't have to deal with being chained to anything.

"So it seems he found a use for you, I don't know what it is. Just put this on and do what he says." A dark haired female said stepping in to the room, throwing a grey set of sweats and a black tee shirt, "Honestly what could he need for another woman in his life.".

She uncuffed me with a huff. I stood up and cracked my neck. In my mind I was ready to play the part of 'loyal' servant. Then the bitch opened her mouth.

"Why does he need a no good, lower class whore like you? He has all he wants and needs from me. I'm yhe only woman he needs." The woman said twisting in a over flamboyant fashion.

That there pissed me off. My vision was blurred for a moment, which ment my contacts would need to be changed. They were more than likely starting to dissolve from my virus. Oh this bitch was going to get hurt.

"What did you just say about me? If anyone is a whore here, it's you." I asked turning to her. Blinking, the last of the contacts had revealing dark sapphire eyes.

"Oh so the dog knows how to speak, wonderful." She rolled her eyes, "I'm sure he will lose interest soon enough. Get changed! You have a busy day ahead of you.". She threw a simple black collared tee shirt, white pants and what appeared to be a black silicone wrist band on to the bed. I clicked my tongue in irritation.

"A tracker siriously, that's funny." I scawfed, swiftly changing in to the outfit that was laid out in front of me. It was pretty tight and uncomfortable. I cut them some slack, it's not like they knew my measurements.

"And what is so funny about it? May I inquire?" I heard as the door opened, Wesker had walked in.

"If my teacher wants me here, then this is where I stay. One of the few things U.S.B.C thought thoroughly was loyalty." I spoke straightening my collar. I was irrate, my gear had my viral stabilizer and my dosage time was coming up. Not to mention I needed my replacement contacts.

"Because if you try to dishonor my wife's wishes, I will be the one to hunt you down and kill you. So put the tracker on or I'll put one in your neck." He snapped at me.

I clicked my tongue and put it on not facing him, "Where is the rest of my gear, one other thing U.S.B.C was useful for was the corrective contacts they made for me after that damn snake spit venom in my eyes.".

"I have it here, your ammo and sniper has been confiscated." He threw my bag on to the bed.

I hastily grabbed it and began rummaging through the remaining contents. In a slight panic, I sped up my search. Suddenly felt the silken texture of my medicine bag and a wave of calm washed over me. I open the bag in inside my pack then pulled out a sliver case from inside.

"Finally," I muttered under my breathe as I opened the case revealing vials of various liquids, mulitple syringes, and a black metallic box, "It appears I'll have enough incase it gets out of hand.".

"If what gets out of hand?" The annoying woman spoke up demanding an answer.

Flicking open the black box, I retrieved my specialized contact lenses,"This is a set of virus samples from T to Veronica, with the antivirus that belongs to each. As well as enough supplies to create about ten doses of the Angelis viral stablizer. If my guess is correct your going to have me study it here.". Blinking a few times to adjust to the new contacts, I turned to face Wesker and that annoying woman.

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