Chapter 10: Briefing and Side Jobs

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The darkness I was surrounded by was thick and heavy. It was like wading through syrup but I just was there stuck. It had a devastating grip. This was the side effect I never was able to remove from the orange tablet. It was a viral trigger that was meant to give a temporary boost that would wear off without another drug. It worked but with a major drawback. The mind did not rest after the body fainted. The user falls into a comatose state with their subconscious fully firing. I was reliving in my memories......and it was Hell.

The darkness started to conform to a room. It was my old dorm room from the training facility. As I look around a teenage Albert was behind me on my bed asleep. This was the day after Alistar was conceived. I brushed his hair back as it was a bit unruly.

"If you only knew what you would become, maybe we could have changed our fate." I knew the Wesker of back then wouldn't have heard me after all this was just a dream I was stuck in. I heard banging on the door. It was going to either be Marcus or William coming to get Wesker from my room.

"Alistar wake up." A muffled voice said.

Alistar... I was confused. I was suffering from the side effects of the meds there was no way I was coming out this soon. The voice came again.

"Ms. Lancaster wake up." It was garbled but I knew the tone.

Wesker was trying to wake me up. Time was not on my side at this point. While I hated this side effect it is the one time the only time I could say what I needed to say even though nothing changed.

I walked over to the bed and sat down next to the younger form of Albert. He stirred and drearily opened his green eyes.

"Yes, my lotus?" He asked looking relaxed and at ease.

I simply smiled, "Its nothing just getting ready to leave." The door pounded again, "Just remember even if we go through Hell and I may grow cold. My feelings are still the same. I will bring these days back."

"You are as difficult to understand as ever." the young Albert said as the darkness faded and with my heart in shards back to reality.


I slowly opened my eyes and was immediately greeted by the sound of a heart monitor with a sigh I spoke: "I am awake sir.".

"Ah, Ms. Lancaster glad to see you have finally awoken. Wesker had just stepped out to receive a phone call if that was who you were calling sir." a young man about twenty-five stood over me in a white lab coat. He had dull auburn hair as if he were stressed.

"That explains why had heard his voice. I don't believe we've met, I've have been in the medical wing multiple times but I don't believe ever seen you." I spoke looking confused.

He let out a small chuckle, "My name is Steve Burnside. I have been Wesker's assistant since the winter of 1999."

My jaw nearly hit the floor, this man in front of me was the boy from Rockfort Island. I was told by Claire he had passed away do to the T-Veronica mutating his body beyond reconition. I was there during that whole ordeal, Vladimir wanted me to "take care of" a loose cannon the was starting to cause Umbrella some issues. That loose cannon was Alfred Ashford. The man was demented, he paraded him self around dressed like his sister. Apperently Vladmir wasn't impressed with his last check up on him and decided to send in a silencing squad.

He was a brat but sweet at the same time. He didn't deserve what Umbrella did to him or his family. I had to hide my emotions about Claire or I would off broken down.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Steve, my name is Alistar Lancaster." I smiled, "It is a pleasure to meet you. Can I make a guess?"

"Of course have at it." he chuckled and sat on the small circular chair.

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