Blood of Zeus #1 & #2

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Name: AspaName Meaning: DarknessAge: 18Birthday: November 15th

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Name: Aspa
Name Meaning: Darkness
Age: 18
Birthday: November 15th

Personality: kind, caring, motherly towards children, honest, intelligent, mysterious, quiet, timid, observant, loyal, protective, possessive, oblivious, short-tempered

Likes: fruits, children, helping others, honesty, fairness, her mother
Dislikes: betrayal, being heartbroken, abandonment, violence, talk about her father, her prophetic visions, being compared to her mother in a bad sense

~Nyx (Mother)
~The Oneiroi (Half Brothers)
~Hypnos (Half Brother)
~Abaddon (Twin Brother)
Unknown Father (Deceased)
Enemies: Anyone who does things that she would consider against the laws, her father
Crush: Apollo (Main), Ares (back up)

~Since she grew up on the streets of villages, she's had to steal in order to survive, but if there were others in need of food and such, she would give up the food to them before she would even think of taking a bite of food, no matter how hungry she was.
~She has prophetic dreams, and depending on how she feels about it, she often either ignores it or tries to change it the best she could
~She acts as a healer as much as possible to other people, though she gets played in being lowly paid in drachma.
~She has wings that she keeps hidden with a cloak and she keeps a choker with a crescent moon charm on it
~She's scared of her wings being shown to others and has a case of being scared of doing the wrong thing and gets slightly paranoid if she chose something wrong or not.
~She doesn't just have prophetic dreams, but she does occassionally have prophetic glimpses, however, this makes her have a bad headache for while she's seeing it and has weak balance, so she tends to fall, even if standing still.
~She always wears a cloak to both hide her wings and if possible, her identity.
~She often speaks with Hypnos when she's asleep and he acts as a big brother figure for her.

Backstory: She hardly talks of it, but she was born from Nyx and Nyx had trusted her father to watch over her while Nyx was away in Tartaros. Over the years, her father eventually abandoned her in order to go to war without worrying about his daughter. This made Nyx upset as she had been watching over Aspa from a distance. During the war, Aspa fed off of the streets, sometimes stealing or asking for food from the villagers, though she got shot down a lot from it. On Nyx's end, a week before the war had ended, she appeared in front of her former lover and killed him for abandoning her daughter the way he had. After turning 16, Aspa met a boy who she liked, and for a short while, she dated him, and was decieved by him. He had used her to cheat on his girlfriend and Aspa wasn't happy about it, so she ended up mad at both of them before running away and disappearing to a different village, which happened to be the same one that Heron lives.

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Name: AbaddonName Meaning: DestroyerAge: 18Birthday: November 15th

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Name: Abaddon
Name Meaning: Destroyer
Age: 18
Birthday: November 15th

Personality: kind, mischeivous, short-tempered, observant, tactical, slick, intelligent, playful towards his sister, protective, loyal, trickster, lazy

Likes: snakes, children, games, finding loopholes in deals and contracts
Dislikes: being underestimated, his sister being flirted with, murder

~Nyx (Mother)
~The Oneiroi (Half-Brothers)
~Aspa (Twin Sister)
Crush: Open

~Like his mother and sister, he has wings, but can choose when they appear or disappear, due to his human blood.
~He has black pet snake, gifted to him and Aspa by Nyx named Isirik
~Like his half-brother, Hypnos, he has a lazy streak, which makes him have a neutral view of most people unless they tilt on one side of a proverbial scale for him and he'll behave accordingly to the side tilted more
~Unlike Aspa, he doesn't have any prophetic abilities, but he trusts her with her visions.
~He often comes off one-sided once he knows a person well, but if he meets someone with more complex personalities, he remains neutral until he knows which way to tip his scale.

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