Nanbaka OC

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Name: Mizuki SoranoAge: 16Birthday: December 27thGender: FemaleSexuality: Straight

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Name: Mizuki Sorano
Age: 16
Birthday: December 27th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: kind, caring, curious, mischeivous, evil-minded, mild-mannered, sneaky, sly, intelligent, friendly, intelligent, reckless

Likes: sweets, games, running away from her cell, lying on the couch in the lounge, sleeping, training by herself, anime, cats, dogs
Dislikes: her ability, spicy foods, crowds, being flirted with, her heterochromia, being dressed up in anything else

Bffs: Nico, Momoko, Uno, Rock, Musashi, Mitsuru
Enemies: Kiji, Honey, Trois (too geeky for fashion, that it scares her)
Crush: Jyugo

~In order, she has been put in Building 5, Building 3 (begged for getting out), Building 4, then Building 13.
~In Building 3, she was stuck in the same cell as Honey and Trois, so the two were asking perverse questions to her a lot which only kept resulting them in both getting bonked on the head or getting tossed out of their own cell without their makeup and hair supplies.
~She is one of the only inmates to be requesting a conversation with the warden as many times as she has.
~She doesn't let anyone see under her eyepatch and keeps her heterochromia a secret from the inmates at least, but Nico is the only inmate to know about Mizuki's heterochromia
~She had minor traits of her ability, but it onlh got elevated to where she could create ice from herself

Backstory: She was abandoned on the streets by her parents when they moved elsewhere and Mizuki thought they would eventually come back, but they never did for weeks. Eventually, she grew hungry enough and went around to find food. Eventually, she found a man and he was willing to take care of her. He didn't care for her heterochromia, though she still wanted to hide it. The man was eventually killed by a mafia raid in his house and she was given a dagger to keep with her, though she never uses it. She met Nico on the streets and helped him steal money and food and the two grew up together afterwards, even through the hospitals they were sent to for experimentation. Eventually, she ended up with her ability and had zero control of it at first enough to where she tried to chase off Nico so she wouldn't hurt him. When she got sent to Nanba Prison, she got slightly nore control over her ability, but if she gets scared or panicked enough, she'll subconciously use it.

Ability: Cyrokinesis (Ice Manipulation)

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