One Piece OC

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Name: KeinaAlias: Hellhound KeinAge: 18Birthday: October 19thHeight: 5'6"

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Name: Keina
Alias: Hellhound Kein
Age: 18
Birthday: October 19th
Height: 5'6"

Personality: sarcastic, dramatic, calm, intelligent, sneaky, mischievous, childish, playful, evil-minded, short-tempered, lazy, oblivious, imaginative, curious, loyal, curious, clever, patient, observant, smart, erratic, stubborn, freewheeling, unpredictable, cheerful, innocent

Likes: sweets, reading, drawing, sleeping, fire, pranks, nighttime, dark places
Dislikes: spicy food, uniforms, being woken up

Habit: animal ears and tail spiking out when startled, minorly hurting, or angry
Niche: being picked up by others

Ability: Shapeshifting (can only change between land or air animals, but she more commonly takes the form of a Hellhound, hence her name)

Affiliation: Assistant Cook
Weapon: Twin daggers (Saber & Katana)

Bffs: Luffy, Ace, Shanks, Nami, Usopp, Yusopp, and many others
Enemies: Anyone who threatens or hurts her friends and family
Crush: Sanji (main), Ace (back up)

~Others often mistake her as another person as a guy, because of her alias
~Keeps the fact she came from pirate heritage a secret
~When changing her form, she onlh changes into a Hellhound when in a fight that requires it. Other than that, she changes into other animals, mainly a fox or a raven.
~She can only change into animals when she has a clear picture of them in her mind, otherwise, she'll look like a chimera of sorts

Backstory: Growing up, her parents taught her how to be a pirate and how to fight using blades and other weapons so she can use whatever is available to her to her advantage. She eventually found a Devil Fruit berry and ate it while scavenging for food when she was stranded on an island by accident, but starved the rest of the time. When she got rescued from the island, she went about training herself, hating her parents for abandoning her, but later found out that her family and her family's crew died at sea from a storm at sea when they were turning around to go back for her. She landed on the shore of a city where Luffy was growing up and became quick friends with him, Ace and Shanks.



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