Demon Slayer OCs #1-#3

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Name: Hanaki 'Kibutsuji' TokiyashiAge: 674Height: 4'2"Birthday: August 30thSpecies: Demon / Human

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Name: Hanaki 'Kibutsuji' Tokiyashi
Age: 674
Height: 4'2"
Birthday: August 30th
Species: Demon / Human

Personality: kind, caring, loyal, playful, intelligent, observant, vengeful if friends are hurt in front of her, oblivious, crazy (only to others), friendly, protective, childish, sociable, erratic sometimes, curious, quiet, lazy, self-conscious

Likes: sweets, reading, hiding in small spaces, playing games, sparring, climbing and maneuvering through trees, scaring others unintentionally, sleeping
Dislikes: people judging her ability, being insulted, being woken up forcefuĵjĵlly by most others, being alone for an extended period of time

Habit: climbing into trees, behaving like she's mute on the first meeting of another person
Niche: being insulted, being woken up for no reason
Fears: lightning/thunder

Ability: Mediumship (can naturally see and communicate with spirits of the dead with no problems)
Weapon: Katana

~Mostly grew up on her own so she has no social etiquette, due to lack of a social environment.
~She often stays in high places such as in high trees and prefers landing onto her prey as a demon hunting tactic.
~She has a small treehouse she made herself
~She tends to keep her heritage to herself, though if it's found out, she'll behave indifferently about it.
~As a strange hobby, she personally tends to look at a person's teeth. It's never clear why she does to anyone.
~She can be out during the day since her demon half is dominant at night and her human side is dominant in the day, so the sun wouldn't effect her.

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