Genshin Impact #1 & 2

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Name: CrystinaAge: 4,500+ years (appears 18)Species: Goddess of ShadowsHeight: 5'10"

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Name: Crystina
Age: 4,500+ years (appears 18)
Species: Goddess of Shadows
Height: 5'10"

Element: Dark
Weapon: Sword

Personality: timid, intelligent, playful, observant, loyal, protective, honest, understanding, kind, caring, determined, mischievous, sneaky, creative, friendly, free-wheeling
Likes: sweets, writing, reading, nicknames, sleeping in the day
Dislikes: spicy foods, not having her own freedom, the isolation she lives in

Habit: fidgeting when nervous or upset
Niche: being purposefully ignored

Bffs: Rukkhadevata, Zhongli, Makoto, Ei, Nahida
Family: Venti (little brother), Daphne (adopted daughter)

~She is nervous and overreacts quickly towards strangers, but can still manage to converse with them.
~She's Venti's sister and isn't an Archon, but has been entrusted by the Seven.
~She has social anxiety, due to living in isolation for so long. She normally feels better when someone she knows is nearby.

 She normally feels better when someone she knows is nearby

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Name: DaphneAge: 2,000+ yearsSpecies: ImmortalHeight: 5'6"

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Name: Daphne
Age: 2,000+ years
Species: Immortal
Height: 5'6"

Vision: Cryo
Weapon: Polearm
Occupation: Bubu Pharmacy
Homeland: Unknown

Personality: secretive, kind, caring, playful, intelligent, observant, loyal, curious, freewheeling, quiet, antisocial, quick-witted, strong-willed, honest, protective
Likes: sweets, reading, drawing, writing, sleeping, singing when she's alone, visiting the shrine on occasion
Dislikes: anyone with ill-intent, being forced to do stuff by strangers, being underestimated

Habit: wandering, getting lost
Niche: friends being bullied

Bffs: Qiqi, Baizhu, Changsheng, Xiao, Zhongli, Yanfei, Yaoyao
Family: Crystina (adopted mother), Venti (adopted uncle)
Crush: Childe (main), Xiao (back-up)

~She essentially became a vessel to Crystina's Gnosis, but can't get access to use it in the sense a god would be able to, but it has to be triggered for it to become active as it works with other gods.
~She has a learning disability, so she used to accidentally mix up medicine until Baizhu would be the one packing the medicine for her to deliver.
~She tends to have a habit of getting lost, so she often asks for directions to where the person is.

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