Undertale OC

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Name: SylviaAlias: Monster in the Darkness

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Name: Sylvia
Alias: Monster in the Darkness

Age: 18
Species: Werefox
Height: 5'8"
Birthday: October 16th

Personality: kind, caring, motherly, playful, intelligent, observant, loyal, protective, possessive, honest to an extent, childish, rarely a bit on the crazy side, socialble
Likes: sweets, children, wandering, flowers, cooking, drawing
Dislikes: being lectured for hours, involuntarily doing stuff she doesn't want to do, being alone for too long, watching others getting hurt

Crush: Papyrus

~She's a part of an old myth of a monster that lurks in darkness to protect those who can't protect themselves and was born as a part of this secret heritage. Though, most depict it as a dangerous monster, those who were saved by them think highly of the creatures, though it's very few of them that remember it all as it happened and others don't know what to make of them.
~She is very approachable when asked while in her fox form once her name is said but never when referred to by anything else. However, in her fox form, she has her limit of how close someone gets which is at most a 45 second walking distance before she starts growling for them not to come closer, giving her off to be wary about anyone.
~Her skin is extremely durable as a fox and will often be unable to be injured and killed normally, but she has weak points along her back and at her underbelly where her skin is thinnest and will let out a shrill screech once injured badly enough and will view the ones responsible as a threat to her or others.
~She's a very organized person and lives in solitude from anyone in town due to not wanting to be found out by anybody about her being the monster in the darkness.
~Her collar is shown no matter what and is most easily discerned by it and this is because it was gifted to her by her family before they left her to wander the human world. She most often tend to be easily sociable when she's in her humanoid form.
~She's often at Grillby's when she's in human form and orders the same meal each time.

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