Fairy Tail OC

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Name: Xena SentryAge: 17Birthday: August 30thGuild: SabertoothMark Location: Right Shoulder

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Name: Xena Sentry
Age: 17
Birthday: August 30th
Guild: Sabertooth
Mark Location: Right Shoulder

Personality: calm, quiet, stubborn, intelligent, short-tempered,

Magic: Nature Dragon Slayer (eats vegitation, like tree leaves and branches, or acting through photosynthesis)

Likes: sweets, reading, drawing, puzzles, flower field relaxation
Dislikes: spicy foods, crowds

Habits: gnawing on her thumb nail or utensils when in thought
Nitch: being insulted

Best friends: Sting, Frosch, Lector, Rufus, Yukino
Enemies: None
Crush: Rogue Cheney

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