Teen Titans OC

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Casual Outfit:

Casual Outfit:

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Undercover Outfit:

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Undercover Outfit:

Undercover Outfit:

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Formal Outfit:

Name: NallikaraNickname: Bubbles (preffered), Nalli, KaraAlias: Bubble NymphAge: 15Species: Sea Nymph

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Name: Nallikara
Nickname: Bubbles (preffered), Nalli, Kara
Alias: Bubble Nymph
Age: 15
Species: Sea Nymph

Hair: Black w/ purple streaks in her bangs and a few on her right side
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'6"

Personality: kind, caring, honest, childish, playful, intelligent, curious, sarcastic, loyal, determined, oblivious, smart, freewheeling
Likes: sweets, animals, bubbles, wandering the city, fruits, marshmallows
Dislikes: pork, being woken up w/o reason, being deprived of her sweets, her bubbles being burst out of annoyance or anger

~Sea Nymph Parents
~Little Sister
Crush: Aqualad

Abilities: Bubble Manipulation

~She hates the idea of eating fish unless absolutely necessary, even though fish and kelp are her natural diet as a sea nymph.
~She often does a drowning prank on others, which sometimes she finds funny.
~Her bubbles are produced through her sweat glands can change dexterity and such according to how she makes them, but has a difficult time getting it large enough to fit more than one person and it does a large amount of strain on her body to do more than one bubble the size of normal people.
~If she overexerts herself, she's likely to pass out with or without sheilding herself. If this is done, the bubbles that cause her to pass out will pop or deflate to a managable size. More often, they pop though.
~She can make a lot of smaller bubbles without problem and be just fine, because of their size.
~On occassion, she will make a bubble for herself to sleep and run around in like a hamster.
~She is scared of sharks. . .as ironic as it is. . . oh, and hospitals and their equipment, especially the syringes and scalpels.
~Her people were rivals of Atlanteans, but she found no reason to be rivals with them.
~She's a princess of Sea nymphs, but when asked when people find out she's a princess, she always says that she's a princess of bubbles. Also has been selected as a future queen, for both, as she self-proclaims on the future queen of bubbles.
~She can feel very easily uncomfortable with the idea of having to lead a group, even for a day.
~She is very outgoing and such, so she feels the need to have the freedom to do so.
~She never brings up her family because she had ran away to get away from the pressure that they were putting her under and never regrets having done that, but misses her family at the same time.
~The day she ran away was seven days before her birthday and when that day is happening, she'll stay on land and refuse to go in the water unless she were to be going alone, which she'd prefer a lot more.

Backstory: When she was little, she was told by her parents that she would be a future queen, seeing as how she was an only child, she would have imagination of being a future ruler would be like. For years, she was raised to be more sophisticated and become someone who she wasn't. She eventually found the burden too much to carry and ran. . .well, swim, actually. . . away. At the age of thirteen, she found herself in Jump City and went around as a stray orphan and eventually leaned away from eating fish and anything relating to the sea, though it's her natural diet. She eventually grew an insecurity about leading others, so she completely avoids being a leader of any sort, in fact, has found it to be a happier thing to be on her own away from her people and such. Traditionally, she should be able to manipulate water, but she never got the high level training for such training yet, since she's supposed to learn it starting on her 16th birthday. Her parents eventually sent word across the ocean on sea nymph territory to find her, but no luck had been found, since she was on surface land, far away from her family territory.

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