Twisted Wonderland OC

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Name: Blake Crowley-Shadows Age: 17Height: 5'6"Birthday: October 30thYear: Second

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Name: Blake Crowley-Shadows
Age: 17
Height: 5'6"
Birthday: October 30th
Year: Second

Personality: childish, lazy, protective, determined, intelligent, clever, loyal, playful, kind, caring, benevolent, honest, curious, cautious, observant, loner, antisocial

Likes: sweets, games of choice and chance, sleeping, being alone most times, animals,
Dislikes: spicy foods, bullies, crowds, predictability, getting losing turns, fighting, make-up

Hobbies: Games, Baking, Cooking
Habit: watching her magestone a lot
Niche: herself or others being mistreated

Signature Magic: Animal Shifting (doesn't use it on campus grounds and mostly only in dorms)
Dorms: Any, but mostly stays at Diasomnia or Ramshackle when she wants to be alone.
Strongest Subject: Potionology, Summoning
Weakest Subject: Flight and any other course
Club: Board Game Club (but sometimes visits the other clubs)

Best Friends: Kalim, Idia, Azul, Grim, Malleus, Ortho, Silver, Lilia
Enemies: bullies
Crush: Idia

~Adopted daughter of Headmage Crowley.
~Never plays video games more than once or twice.
~Has a blot problem sometimes, which makes her on the slightly paranoid side because of the fact she's caring towards most of the students at the school.
~Often hangs around the courtyard fountain, if she's not at classes.
~If she has problems with anyone within her dorm, she mostly leaves for the Ramshack dorm in the middle of the night and likely stays from anywhere between a night and a week.
~Best friends with most of the Housewardens.
~Dresses as a boy and passes as one to be in school, so no one knows she's really a girl.
~Unlike the other students, her magestone is on a choker she wears a lot.
~She has a sort of belonging in any of the dorms, so she often is able to adjust accordingly to them.
~Most of her behavior is likely noted to be between Ignihyde and Diasomnia.
~Most often only plays board games with Idia and Azul.
~Her most common forms are a fox, raven, wolf, and a cat. She appears completely black with a blue diamond marking on her forehead in whichever form she's in, so she's distinctly unique from other animals, if people know how to look for her. She also keeps her choker on and it adjusts it's size on her neck to her own size and remains around her neck as a collar, small necklace, etc.
~Her magestone also reflects the mood she's in on occasion, if she has high enough levels of that emotion, since she mostly ends up keeping a resting blank expression, save a slight smile. Normally, she shows more emotion when no one's around, unless there's an animal nearby, then she'll have an almost instant childish aura as well as behavior of one.
~She wears her casual outfit everyday like a uniform and was able to pass for it, since she has no specific dorm.
~She gets bullied often because of the fact she has no specific dorm she belongs to and most often is either bullied by either her food getting slapped out of her hands or being tripped by someone else. She never tells Crowley though, so he doesn't know about her being bullied at the school.
~Headmage Crowley, Idia, Ortho, Azul, Malleus, Lilia and Kalim are the only ones she trusts to be able to show her childish side around without problems.
~She's a bit of an unpolished clairvoyant, but polished if she uses her magic to amplify and clear it for herself.

Backstory: She was raised by her parents and was able to memorize everything about Potionology, since her mother worked with potions a lot. However, after an incident of her parents overblotting when she was ten years old, she lost her memory and was eventually found on the edge of campus ground. A dorm student found her and took her to his dorm room before calling in the Headmage. After a while, the same dorm student began to teach her how to cook and bake for the year he was there. When he left, the Headmage chose to take care of her the rest of the time. After that, she was decidedly considered the Headmage's adopted daughter except the one who brought her to the dorms and himself are the only ones who knew she was a girl. However, the incident of her parents overblotting would give her paranoia of herself ending up doing the same. So she tends to have a more laidback attitude to help avoid her magestone blotting and she doesn't use her magic much at all unless practicing or using animal form, since it doesn't use up much magic for her to maintain the form of a small animal.

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