Harley Quinn OC

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Villain Outfit:

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Villain Outfit:

Villain Outfit:

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Event Outfit:

Name: Amber ScarlettAlias: Witch of Gotham (public name), Blood Mistress (self-proclaimed)Age: 27 years (biologically immortal)

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Name: Amber Scarlett
Alias: Witch of Gotham (public name), Blood Mistress (self-proclaimed)
Age: 27 years (biologically immortal)

Birthday: August 30th
Species: Artificial Blood Human
Blood Type: B
Alignment: Technically Villain, but considers herself unaligned

Personality: loyal, protective, quick-witted, possessive, honest, caring, kind, motherly, playful, intelligent, secretive, short-tempered, creative, artistic, friendly, determined, vigilant, anti-social, curious, sarcastic, intense when pissed off
Likes: sweets, computers, being on her own, sitting in the park, wandering by herself, singing when she's alone, pretending to read, drawing, painting, art puzzles, coloring, skipping budget meetings
Dislikes: her parents, paparazzies, news channels, hackers, being caught in crossfire, coffee, soda, alcohol, drugs, crowds, most suck-ups (few actually get away with it for her, but that list is hardly a quarter of a page long)

Habit: pretending to know how to work computers
Niche: her illiteracy being pointed out, being compared with Brother Blood because of similar titles

Abilities: Blood-Based Powers (though more unique ones such as Draconic Blood or Acidic Blood require more energy for her to use and usually has a consequence of making her sick or unable to move for the next few days)
~She has a hidden ability of seeing where a person's strongest and weakest blood veins are, so she able to expertly find the places to draw blood.
~Due to her hidden ability of seeing a person's blood vessels, she can also tell whether a woman is pregnant at any point in the pregnancy period, and also when the woman is on her period.
~With being able to go through bars, she often always carries two sets of clothes with her every time. For the reason that she ends up naked after going through bars, since she can't treat them like her body enough to go through bars, so they just get caught on them. For the same reason, she pretty much took up always going from the side between the bars to escape.
~She can often tear off an arm to create a weapon from the blood and reform her arm once she kills someone.
~Toxins usually remain in her body, but only for a fraction of the period that the toxin would be stuck in a normal body. For example, for Scarecrow's fear gas, it would only be in her system for maybe two minutes with no effect on her physically or mentally before it is expelled from her body as a carbon gas, which is never an obvious process.
~Due to the fact she doesn't technically have a brain, she can't be affected by Scarecrow's fear gas, despite the fact she still remains intelligent on other levels, in which leaves things a mystery in how it's possible.
~Despite being a form made of condensed blood, she doesn't smell like blood. Instead, she has the scent of a normal human to blend in to society further to a normal person. However, dogs and other animals tend to freak out, since they are the only ones who can smell the scent of blood as her natural scent.
~If a limb is cut off, instead of being a condensed form of itself, it often ends up a pool of blood with the same splatter, however, whether she saw the attack coming determines whether or not she ends up squirting blood from her arm, since if she sees it coming, she can immediately stop blood flow just before the limb is lost.

Best Friends: Harley, Poison Ivy, King Shark, Scarecrow, Bane
Enemies: Joker, Dr. Psycho, Justice League
Nemesis: None (never cared to have one), Robin (self-proclaimed by Robin)
Crush: Bane

~Often keeps a vial of blood from each of her clients, which always remains fresh and often moving around in the vials. This would often offer her full analysis classified only to herself of a person's weaknesses and what is often in their blood stream.
~She has trust issues and hardly trusts anyone with her equipment.
~She often gives off a murderous aura to Dr. Psycho if he gets close to saying anything derogatory towards her.
~She often gives very vivid threats, dependent on her hate towards a person. Friends, she'll keep it light, enemies, she'll go on a very torturous method.
~Most times, she leaves children alone entirely and will only be mean to them if they think they are much higher than other children. However, she makes exception to Penguin's nephew and will leave it at a heavy scolding, due to the fact she knows how powerful Penguin can be.
~She can't read or write.
~She is usually secretive about her abilities and past.
~She often only understands simpler concepts, which makes it very easy for her to get along with Bane.
~Dr. Psycho can't read or enter her mind, which leaves things frustrating for him.
~Water is the only thing she can consume, so she doesn't need to eat. Often times, blood from her victims behaves as meals for her, despite the fact she hates the idea of having to kill someone to literally survive.
~She is scared of lightning and thunder, ever since she was little and had never gotten over the fear.
~She only hates Dr. Psycho because of his derogatory view of women.
~She has a special moral compass when it comes to people where she's likely to kill anyone that's not a child, elderly, or a pregnant woman.
~Unlike a human, her biology of organs remains only lungs, a heart, substitute brain composed of nothing but blood and nerve systems so her body can operate decently, female organs, and a throat for only breathing purposes and also convincing camouflage.
~She will likely eat sweets to moderate her blood sugar levels when they get low, which happens on occasion.
~She is often a solo act, but will occasionally act with others. Though, it seems rare to many people.
~Has troubles with memorizing patterns, except when it comes to physical combat.
~She prefers to take blood from healthy people instead people who are sick or have certain abilities.
~She doesn't have goons or a crew of her own, since she's not a sociable person very often.

Backstory: She was created through a process similar to alchemy. However, the process left her being more or less a human built up of condensed blood. Growing up, it was realized that she couldn't grow in size or age unless she had taken in blood every year on her birthday. Surprisingly enough, her parents belonged into a cult that called for sacrifices all of the time. In middle school, she went through bullying because she couldn't read, write or understand any of the questions in front of her. This caused her to immediately lash out and she ended up sent to a mental hospital where she met Harley. Eventually, she was able to understand questions asked to her over the two years spent there. However, upon blood samples, they realized it would always be someone else's blood drawn from her and she eventually showed herself as the condensed blood that she was. However, she was also able to manipulate her blood to do as she wants. Soon after, she manages to escape the asylum and run away, disappearing into the streets. After some time, she went back and destroyed any evidence of her being at the asylum and of her unique condition. After escaping after that, she spent her time largely on her own, rarely returning home, only once a year for her birthday. After she matured, the blood's purpose became simply maintaining her body and it had gotten demanding of her more often, so she typically would kill others if her impulses got out of control, but even during her impulses, she always left children, elderly, and pregnant women alone. After a point, she killed the entirety of her family's cult in one of her more savage impulse control episodes, collecting blood from each member until they were bled dry, not leaving a drop of it behind. The case involving them still hasn't been solved by anyone, due to lack of murder weapon, blood samples, and other such things needed for a crime scene to determine the killer. Due to this, she became known as the Witch of Gotham to the public view.

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