Twisted Wonderland OC #2

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(Often keeps the cloak wrapped completely around her

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(Often keeps the cloak wrapped completely around her.)

Name: Rose
Age: 14
Height: 4'8"
Birthday: August 30th

Personality: intelligent, observant, loyal, protective, creative, honest, understanding, lazy, caring, kind, curious, benevolent, playful, childish, courageous, brave, calm, innocent, stubborn, timid, antisocial on occasion, sensitive
Likes: sweets, sleeping, fruits, drawing, wandering around campus, night time, sneaking off, making origami, sleeping on grass
Dislikes: Grim being insulted, getting lost, being directionally challenged, others getting mad at her

Habit: getting lost
Niche: her family and friends getting hurt or bullied
Ability: Purple Fire

Family: Grim (Older Brother)
Crush: Ortho Shroud, Ace Trappola

~Is very directionally challenged so if she's not supervised, she may end up getting lost until someone finds her.
~She is very supportive of Grim, even if he tends to get overboard with things.
~She has a very close relationship with her brother, though he tends to be overprotective of her.
~She views anyone attending Night Raven College as family due to her childish personality and not very easily intimidated. If anything, she behaves the way she would around anyone if they try to intimidate her.
~She is very good at making origami and often makes some for the other students.
~If it's needed, she'll intercept through anything to help someone. Such as if someone is uncomfortable with the situation, she'll cut in and make up a believable excuse for them to be able to leave.
~She has a secret weapon of being able to pull of an innocent adorable expression with a slight begging look. She'll even do a small pout and fold her hands together till they give in.
~She often sticks close to Grim, except when he's in his classes, in which she will sit outside of the classroom and make origami animals or entertain herself with a fortune origami.
~She tends to kick her legs lightly when her feet are off of the floor when she's sitting. If she gets bored enough, she'll get up and try to head to the courtyard. Unfortunately, due to being directionally challenged, she ends up at places like the Headmage's office, the school garden or the cafeteria.
~She often tends to be very much on the childish side towards her brother.
~If someone was mad at her, she would likely hide from the person until she can either repay them in a better amount or until they felt better.
~She's surprisingly good at Potionology and Animal Linguistics for her being her age and the fact she isn't there to learn like her brother is.
~She often seems to fall asleep in the garden if she's out of energy.
~She sometimes tends to be kept at the Ramshackle Dorm when she doesn't feel sociable.

Backstory: She grew up alone with Grim and eventually, she managed to get a hold of a special sort of transformation potion. It would have permanent effects and when she spilled it and it ended up pouring into Grim's glass of water, he drank it and ended up getting turned into a cat-like creature. After finding out the potion was permanent, they began travelling and she'd cheer him on in practicing his magic. However, when Grim left to go to NRC, he forgot to take her with him, so she was left to chase after the carriage too late.



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