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The student library...the place most of the students spent their time studying, researching things for upcoming projects, or reading some interesting books of unrealistic fantasies. Dongmyeong and Soobin, two boys who are notorious for studying, were currently sitting on the small wooden table towards the middle left of the library. There were stacks upon stacks of books surrounding the boys as they were doing their research on whales for their biology class.

The boys skim through detailed paragraphs and only jot down the important notes on their biology notebook. Dongmyeong sighs while stretching his arms out for the millionth time that hour. Soobin rolls his eyes at the older and continues to write down interesting facts about the large mammal.

"Hey Bin? We've been working on this project for hours and it's almost six p.m! Why don't we call it a day and go back to our dorm. Maybe we can come back early tomorrow and look through some more books," Dongmyeong says to his roommate.

The younger contemplates for a bit before sighing, "As much as I would love to crash on my bed, we're almost done, and I think it would be more satisfying if we finish today and have a whole break day tomorrow." he suggests and Dongmyeong nods, hunching back down to finish his annotations.

"By the way, have you found anything interesting about narwhals?" he asked, peeking over the table to catch a glimpse of the other's notes.

Dongmyeong shakes his head, "I've look through all of the books in the marine and animal section, but I couldn't find anything about narwhals..."

Soobin looks at his own paper and realizes the only animal left was the narwhal which was Dongmyeong's whale to research. He didn't want to leave the younger to struggle and stress out just because he couldn't find any information on a simple whale with a large tusk.

The younger suddenly stands up and gathers his things, "C'mon, let's go to the nearest library. Hopefully we can find things about narwhals there."

Dongmyeong tilts his head and asks, "What if we return late and get locked out?"

"We won't, It's six now, and they don't lock the dorm rooms until ten," the smarter answers. Dongmyeong nods and begins gathering the books together. They both walk over to the marine section and begin placing books back where they belonged.

After properly putting their books away, the boys exit the large library and begin walking towards the main entrance. The boys continue walking down the stone path until they reached the front gate that was being guarded by a security guard.

He takes one look at the children before holding his hand out, forbidding the boys to pass, "May I have a reason why you boys need to leave the school?"

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