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"Eric! WAKE UP!"

A blue haired boy feels someone place their hands on his chest and shake him. The boy groans, already knowing who had disrupted him from his beauty sleep, "Ugh, five more minutes..."

The boy who's awake glares at the younger, "You said that 10 minutes ago! C'mon! We'll be late!"

Sohn Eric lifts his head to face his roommate, and best friend since 6th grade, Kim Sunwoo, "We're always late to class, what are you talking about?"

"I know, but Mr. Mo gave me a warning saying that if I was late to class one more time, he would give me detention for a whole month..." the boy says shifting his eyes from left to right.

Eric whines again, "Damn you, Kim Sunwoo..."

Sunwoo teases the younger, making Eric send daggers his way. The two have always been super close even when they first met. Sunwoo was more of a mischievous devil and Eric was always the punchline of his jokes. It wasn't like the younger minded though as he would usually smack the older upside the head when he had the chance.

The blue haired gets out of bed and pushes Sunwoo out of his room, "Go get us breakfast from the cafeteria...I'll be ready by the time you get back."

Sunwoo nods and leaves the younger's room. Eric slams the door shut and sighs, "Not another day of this rich hell hole. Can't wait for winter break..." The boy decides to begin his daily routine of getting ready for his stupidly rich school.

Eric and Sunwoo both attend BSS or Boys of Seoul Secondary School. As mentioned in the title, the education system is for boys and boys only. Not only is the school an all boys elite school, but also a filthy rich school for anyone in the upper class.

The school is made up of two buildings. The education building, a seven storied building where students learn, and a dorm building where all of the boys stay for the school year. It isn't necessary to own a dorm room, however Eric's mother was very quick to send him away and receive education to get into a good college.

Eric isn't the brightest star in the galaxy, and his grades are proof. Mrs. Sohn wanted her son to turn his life around and enlisted him in an elite school for the best of the best. Although Eric objected, he still went despite his complaints. As much as he didn't want to go, he didn't want his mother to be disappointed in her only son.

So there he was, attending the school since the 6th grade. He thought he would've been used to all of the rich snobs or the 5 star meals, and for the most part he was, but there were just a few things he didn't like about the school.

Or...he should say...few people he didn't like.

As the boy was tying his blue tie, he heard a notification ding on his phone. He reaches for the device and checks the notification.

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