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Jaemin and Jeno were walking down the halls, holding each other's hands and talking about random things. The two were open about their relationship as everyone in school speculated that Jeno was going to be the one that ends up with Jaemin because of their intimacy with each other. However, the two felt incomplete without Renjun on their side.

They wanted to openly kiss Renjun and hug him without people judging. However if the boys suddenly started dating the Cute Boy, then people would begin speculating about suspicious activity as it was weird for a normal boy to date a cute one. It was more so Jeno that would be out of character since everyone knew Jaemin had a crush on the older, and the black haired was Eric, "the #1 Cute Boys hater's," cousin.

Sometimes the three would see each other down the halls and would subtly send winks and kisses to each other. Renjun also had both of their numbers and would text them everyday.

The two continue walking until they stop in front of Jaemin's blue locker. The boy had recently changed his locker number to 2300 as both Renjun and Jeno were born on the 23rd day in the year 2000.

"Jen, do you think we'll ever be open about our relationship with Injunnie?" Jaemin asked while putting his history book away, and closing his locker afterwards.

"I don't know Jaem," Jeno answers honestly while leaning his back on one of the lockers, "If this division doesn't stop, then I don't think we can date him openly...plus, Joon says it'll lead to suspicion if I start dating Jun out of nowhere as I used to hate him..."

"B-But we're not complete without him! Can't we, I don't know, become Cute Boys so that it won't lead to suspicion," Jaemin suggests while pouting.

"You know Joon and Ric won't like that, right?" Jeno pats the younger's head, "We'll just have to wait and see..."

Jaemin slowly nods and grabs Jeno's hand. The two begin walking to their Korean arts class, however halfway down the hall, a boy with light brown hair stops them, "Hey Jeno and Jaemin!"

The two said boys turn around and watch as their old friend Donghyuck runs over to them. Donghyuck had been their friend when they were kids as they lived in the same neighborhood, however the boy left them for someone else during 5th grade and they just stopped being friends.

That said boy was named Boo Seungkwan as he joined Boo's Gossip Group where they all gossip about any inside drama that was happening between their grades. The scary part about BGG is that any rumor they spread about other people was actually true and it left a lot of people's lives being ruined.

"Oh hey Hyuckie," Jaemin greets, saying the old nickname he gave him when they were kids. Jaemin didn't hate Donghyuck, nor did Jeno, as they still talk from time to time.

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