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"Find anything Eric!?!?!" Hyunjoon shouts from across the gym. The boys were in charge of searching the biggest room, aka the gym. The gym was the most difficult place to search for key cards or loose locks that lead to the soccer field because of it's huge open space.

Hyunjoon was searching through a cage full of dodgeballs while Eric was in charge of searching in the locker rooms. The blue haired took longer than the ravenette as the boy frequently left the room to take a breath of fresh air before entering the room that smelled like a mix of bad body odor and cologne.

The blue haired exited the room again to respond to the older's question, "Nope! I think I'm going to pass out before I officially find something..."

Hyunjoon giggles at the younger who takes off his blazer, revealing two sweat stains under his armpits. The younger was sweating all over as the rooms were strangely warm, probably from all of the humidity accumulated in there. Eric fans himself in the armpits while Hyunjoon says, "Don't worry, the temperature decreases in this building during the night. You'll be cooled off in no time."

Eric stops shortly, "Do you really think we're going to be locked in here all night?"

"I don't want to be a pessimist, but no one's dumb enough to leave their key card lying around in a club room. I just wanted to give the others something to do instead of panic the whole time," Hyunjoon gives the younger a sad smile before continuing his search.

"Wow...even Heo Hyunjoon can't come up with a way to get out of here...we're screwed," Eric walks over to the older and rests his elbows on the rim of the cage, "Let's take a break? We have all night to search even if it is a hopeless case..."

Hyunjoon looks at the younger before nodding, "Sure...you look like you need it..."

The two boys sit down on the gym floor, resting their backs on the cold hard black steel bars of the cage. Eric throws his blazer over his legs as if it was a blanket and smiles at Hyunjoon, "So are we going to carry our conversation from last time?"

"Depends...have you come up with a new question since then?" The younger nods and Hyunjoon gives him a single nod, "Okay...then shoot."

"You know that broken window in the astronomy classroom? The one that could've been our escape route. How did you find that window to begin with? Did you discover it on one of your missions with the other Cute Boys, or was it just an accident?" Eric was firing the older with questions as his head was swarming with all kinds of things to ask the ravenette.

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