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"Thanks for washing my blanket Jen. Honestly, I wasn't avoiding you...I was being selfish and did things that I wanted to do without thinking about my own best friend. I don't deserve you, Lee Jeno," Jaemin apologizes while clinging onto the older's arm. The action made Jeno blush, and it even left a light coat of pink of Jaemin's cheeks.

The boys were at Jeno's locker, chilling and talking about random stuff. The location was their usual hangout spot and even though it was lunch time, the boys didn't sit down in the cafeteria for opposite reasons. Jaemin was still annoyed at Eric for interrupting his conversation with the Cute Boys about Renjun, and Jeno didn't want to see said Chinese Cute Boy wandering around or his mood would be ruined.

"It should be me who doesn't deserve you Jaem," the older mutters. Jaemin didn't catch that part as he was distracted with someone walking from the corner of his eye.

Jeno noticed the brown haired looking off in a different direction and moves his gaze over to witness whatever Jaemin was looking at. As soon as his pupils lay on the shadowed figure, the boy's mood drops and a scowl was replaced.

Jaemin smiled at the boy's surroundings, and Jeno hated it. He didn't like how Renjun could make him smile so easily. Sure the youngest smiled at everything, but the Chinese boy made his smile brighter than the sun.

The black haired was jealous...he wanted to be the cause of Jaemin's happiness. He couldn't let a weird Cute Boy take over Jeno's position of "Jaemin's bliss." The boy immediately grabs Jaemin's wrist and begins to drag him in the opposite direction of where Renjun was.

"Jeno—" the brown haired pauses when they make a sudden turn into a room. It was the nearest boy's restroom to Jeno's locker and Jaemin was confused as to why he was there in the first place. He didn't need to go. Maybe Jeno did and just dragged Jaemin with him out of habit.

But the theory was immediately debunked when Jeno leaned his back on the side of the sink and crossed his arms. Jaemin eyed him weirdly, "Why are we in here?"

"I saw Renjun in the hallways and Eric wants us to avoid him at all costs...so that's why we're in the boy's restrooms!" The black haired replies with fake enthusiasm towards the end.

Jaemin rolls his eyes and shakes his head at the older, "Jeno, he's not bad! He's a cute little fluff ball who doesn't do illegal stuff!" Jaemin felt weird. The feelings for Renjun were still there, shining whenever he sees the Cute Boy, but saying that to Jeno, a boy he recently started seeing in a different light, was weird. He liked Jeno being possessive, but he disliked that the older was gatekeeping him from Renjun, his first crush.

"Yes he does! I have proof from Hyuck that Renjun tried to choke him once!" the boy exclaims. Donghyuck, the school's well-known dramatic person, was recently 'choked' by the Chinese, but it wasn't supposed to be something serious. The tanned boy ruined Renjun's favorite painting as a dare, and the anger in the small boy resorted to the only solution, violence. The oldest still resents the boy and whenever Donghyuck comes to the boy's peripheral vision, he would send him daggers with his eyes.

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