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Joshua's pov

I got a new job today. The woman, I believe her name is Kelly, posted about needing a new house keeper so I applied. She answered me almost instantly, said I'm hired and that my first day is next Wednesday. I'm gonna clean her house every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I work at the city's library. Sunday's are my days off.

I'm not too excited about cleaning some woman's house but it's kinda fuckin' huge so I know she makes bank. Which means she'll either try to negotiate my pay or double it. It's always a hit or miss with rich people.

Whatever, today's Sunday, which means my day off. Which is stupid because I don't like not doing anything. I get bored way too easily, I have the attention span of a five year old.

I normally plan things to do on my day off, but I guess I just forgot this time. I guess I can just go for a walk; it is nice out today. Yeah let's do that.

Making sure I shut everything off and turn off the lights, I make my way to the front door; locking it behind me. I don't have a destination so I just walk to the right and head down the street.

The sun beams are bright today, like extra bright. I should've brought my hat. Whatever, at least my face will tan and match the rest of my body. It's not too bad out today. The sun is bright and hot. The wind is coming and going in shorts bursts. There's not too many people out today, probably at work or spending their time with family.

Family. Haven't thought of them in so long. I don't care, they can live their lives doing fuck all and I wouldn't care.

I wonder if they miss me.

Dude, shut the fuck up. We know they don't, we know, even to this day, if we tried explaining what that boy did, they wouldn't listen.

You got a point.

Oh my god, stop talking to yourself; you've gone crazy.

It's all the people you've beaten up.

Holy shit you're so annoying.

Sorry y'all, I don't normally annoy myself like this; it's the sun. It's melting my brain.

Oh, I could go for some ice cream. Guess we're detouring.

I turn the corner and slam into someone, making me stumble backwards.

"Fuck, sorry about that." A man around my age says.

He's kinda cute, not gonna lie.

"No it's okay, I should watch we're I'm going." I replied, rubbing where my head collided with his.

He smiled and shook his head. "I was the one on my phone."

"Oh then it's totally your fault." I joke, nudging him. "Nah, it's whatever. Don't worry about it."

He tilted his head back and made a face. "Shit, your head is bleeding."

I dabbed my finger on my head and instantly felt the goop. "Hm, so it seems I am." I smiled.

"Here," he said pulling out a small thing of travel tissues from his back pocket. He handed me one with a smile.

I took it and out it to my forehead. Man all I wanted was some got damn ice cream.

"Thank you..." I trailed off, trying to learn his name.

It took him a second but he eventually got it. "Oh! I'm Brendon!"

"Josh." I smiled, holding out my hand.

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