special day

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Tyler's pov

Month 54

Today is a special day.

No, it's not an anniversary date, no birthdays, no nothing like that.

It's just special because I'm here, alive. With the love of my life and our amazing dog, taking in the most beautiful views. Admiring the skyline, the divots that make up the mountains, the slight chill from this high up.

Today's a special day.

I'm gonna ask him to marry me. Again. Well not really, just to have a wedding with me. 

"Wait, stop moving!" He laughs.

"Hurry up and take the picture, Jim can't sit still any longer!" I roll my eyes.

He mumbles something as the flash goes off, totally not warning me he's ready. "Oh my God." He says.

"You ass! I wasn't ready!" I laugh.

He stares at the piece of film in his fingers as he flicks it back and fourth. "I'm sure you look great, you always do."

I get up and walk over to him, Jim following behind me. "Don't shake it too hard, you could fuck it up."

He looks me dead in the eye and shakes it faster. "Oops."

His eyes widen as he looks at it, his jaw dropping. "What? Do I look bad?"

He smiles and shakes his head. "You look beautiful." 

He hands me the polaroid picture and kisses the side of my hand. I smile at it, it's not a horrible picture of me.

"Okay now you go sit so I can take one of you." I smile.

He rolls his eye and hands me the camera then takes Jim's leash. They go and sit by the edge of the mountain as I get in place, ready to take the picture.

"Ready?" I ask raising my voice so he can hear.

He sits Jim in his lap, a huge smile on his face then give me a thumbs up, and before he puts his hand down, I take the picture. The light flashes and a second later the film emerges upwards.

They walk over to me and wait as I pull out the picture and lightly shake it. "You look so handsome today." I say, kissing his cheek.

He smiles and laughs, giving me an actual kiss. "Thank you, love. You look very good today yourself."

"Thank you." I smile.

I look down at the picture and my stomach fills with butterflies. He's so perfectly breathtaking.

"Oh that's a good one!" He says.

I nod and look up at him. "I agree."

"How much film do we have left?"

"Uh," I pause to look at the small white number on the camera. "4."

"Okay, what should we use it on?" He asks looking around.

I smile to myself and pull out my phone as it vibrates softly. I tap the screen and look at the message from mom.

"I uh, I have something in mind." I say.

"What's that?"

"Tyler!" Maddy yells, running at us.

I laugh and run at her, engulfing her in a hug. "Oh my God, I've missed you so much!" I cry.

"I can't believe it's already been a year." She laughs in disbelief.

"Madison?" Joshua says from behind us.

"Joshua!" She laughs, breaking away from me to hug him.

"What're you doing here?" He asks, hugging her back.

"You'll see." She says, pulling away from him.

Joshua looks at me with a confused expression as a few sets of footsteps emit from behind us. He looks back and his face only gets more confused. God I love him.

"What are you guys doing here? And why are you all so dressed up?" He asks.

Joshua hugs them all and they wave at me, I wave back. I walk and stand next to Joshua, connecting our hands together.

"Tyler called me last night and said he had something planned and that all of us were invited." Jay says.

"Yeah, and he said to dress fancy. I see you did not get memo." Zack jokes.

I laugh and shake my head "Well I couldn't tell him to dress up, it would've ruined the surprise." I say.

"What surprise?" He asks.

Mom, Madison, Zack and Jay all form in a line and I hand mom the camera in my hands, smiling at her. She winks at me and I go back to stand with Joshua. He's facing them so I put my hands on him and force him to face me. He laughs and shakes his head.

"What's going on?" He asks.

I connect our hands and look at him with a smile as tears form in my eyes. "I know that we've already been through this, we've already, by law, gotten married but I feel like it wasn't done properly."


My smile widens as I get down on one knee and pull out a small box from my back pocket. The flash from the camera distracts me for a second, making me look over at my family. They all give me a mix of thumbs up and excited nods.

"Joshua," I continue. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'd be nowhere without you, and being married to you these past ten months has been beautiful. But every time I think of it, of our marriage, I feel like we were robbed of something.

"I finally realized what it was the day before, and I knew what had to be done. We were robbed of a wedding, Joshua. You and I, we were meant to have a wedding. I want to do it right this time, I want to have a wedding, a-a party at least.

"I want to celebrate us, J. Our marriage, our whole dynamic, I want to celebrate it. So," I open the box to reveal a little slip of paper. "Joshua, will you have a wedding with me?"

He lets out a shaky breathe and picks up the paper. His eyes read it, taking in what's written on it. His face frowns and his arm drops.

"Tyler." He says, pulling me up off the ground. "You're amazing."

"So that's a yes?" I ask.

He nods repeatedly and smiles. "Yes, of course it's a yes, love."

"Yay!" I sequel, pulling him into a kiss.

I hear the camera shutter as they all start freaking out. We pull apart and they run at us, making a giant group hug. I love my family.

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