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Tyler's pov

"If you find yourself
In a lion's den
I'll jump right in
And pull my pin
And go with you

I'll go with you
I'll go with you
I'll go with you (you don't need to run)
I'll go with you" My voice plays through the speakers. 

"This is fuckin' good!" He says. 

"Yeah?!" I ask. 

"Hell yeah!" He turns down the volume, letting it still play. "Man, this and the other one, what is it?" 

"Bandito!" I say. 

"Yes! Tyler, if you give me at least two more songs you got yourself a deal!"


"I did it mom!" I cry into the phone

"Bug! Oh that's great news, I knew you could! I'm so proud of you!" 

"I don't even know what to do with myself, I'm so fucking happy!" 

"Throw a party! Me and your siblings will drive over, I'm sure Debby and Pete will, same as Patrick and Jenna!" 

"It's a far drive mom, I don't want you guys coming out to just have a party!" 

"Oh none sense! It's a celebration Tyler. Of you, and how hard you've worked. It's the least we can do." 


"Tyler I just fucking heard The Hype on the radio!" He yells through the phone.

"No you fucking did not!" I laugh in disbelief.

"Yes I fucking did! Patrick pointed it out to me on the way to work!" 

"Holy shit! No you fucking did not!" 

"Tyler, I just heard your song on the radio!" 


I laugh and shake my head. "No, it was all my and my husband. He did the drums for me, helped me with some lyrics. It's a team effort." I told the woman. 

"Your husband?! We didn't know you were married!" She laughs. 

"Yeah, I have a husband! He's at home right now, supporting me from a far." I chuckle. 

"That's so cool! I'm sure it's been crazy for you too, has it caused any indifferences, any fights between you guys?" 

"No, it actually hasn't. Most people think married couples can't work together, or shouldn't at least, but Joshua, he makes it work. I wouldn't be anywhere without Joshua, in life or with my musical career. He loves giving me the credit for all of it, but it really wouldn't have worked without him." I smile. 

"That sounds like a perfect marriage, I'm jealous." She laughs. "Well do you guys have any plans for future albums? Any insiders you can give me?" 

"I'm not supposed to say this so don't tell my husband, but yes, a new album is in the works. I can really only say it's everything you need in life. It's called Blurryface and I'm excited for the people to hear it." 

"That's great, is Joshua on this one too?" She asks. 

"Yes! He is, there's a few songs that if you listen close enough to the background noises, you can hear him actually sing!" 

"Oooh, that's super cool. I love when artists do that, have other people's voice in the back. I think it gives the song more detail, more characteristics."  

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