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Joshua's pov

It's Wednesday so that means I clean today. Kelly called me and said that her son is gonna be there to give me a tour of the house, as she wont be able to. I'm not too excited for that, I guess it'll be nice to be shown around by someone who lives there; but I don't like cleaning around other people.

Holy fuck this house is huge!

There's already a car in the driveway whom I'm guessing is her son. I shut off the car before getting out and unloading all of my cleaning supplies. I wheel up the smallish cart behind me to the front door and knock. Oh my god he's taking so loooong.

"Hi! You must be Josh." A small framed man said opening the door.

"Joshua." I smiled, holding out my hand.

"What?" He askes, taking my hand in his and shakes it.

"Oh, I go by Joshua, not Josh."

"Oh fuck, sorry! My mom just called you Josh. I'll be sure to correct her the next time I see her." He says.

"You don't live here?"

"No, I live a few minutes down the road. More like an hour but that's alright."

"Shit, if I knew that I would've told her it's okay." I frowned, shifting my weight on my feet.

"It's okay, no big deal. Oh, come in!" He said stepping to the side.

I smile and pull the cart behind me, stepping into the huge ass house.

"Here," he motioned for me to follow him. We walked into, what I'm guessing is, the living room.

"Wow this place is huge." I laugh.

He laughs and sits on the couch, so I did too. "Yeah it is. She likes showing off." He jokes.

I smiled and nodded. "What does she do to afford this house?"

"She's a cardiologist." He said.

"Oh." I nod. "What does that mean?" I laugh.

"She specializes in treating heart diseases, basically."

"Ohhhh," I dragged. "Okay."

"Yeah, she makes around like, $454,000 a year."

My eyebrows raise and my jaw drops. "Holy shit."

He nods and lays back on the couch. "Yeah, like I said, she likes showing off."

"Does she live here by herself?"

"No, my siblings live here too. Zack, Madison and Jay."

Great, now I have a higher chance of dealing with snobby rich bitches.

"Okay, do they like showing off too?" I joke.

"They do. They like acting like they're better than me, I moved out when I was 18 and haven't really done shit with my life. Zack is 21 and he's doing something with basketball, I don't really know. Madison is going to cosmetology school at age 17 and Jay is 13 and just a little shit head. What about you? Do you have any sibling?"

I smile, I haven't thought about them in so long. "Uh, yeah. I have a few, two younger sisters and a younger brother."

"How old are they?"

"Jordan is two years younger than me, he's 22. Abigail is 19 and Ashley is turning I think, 18 this year." 

"So you're 24?"

"Indeed." I smiled.

"Oh that's cool, I'm about to be 24."

"It's literally no different than being 23. It's only one year closer to your death bed." I joke.

He laughs and stands up. "Before you slack off too much, I'll show you around."

Standing up, I follow him. He brings me behind a big, open wall that leads to the kitchen. It has a huge fridge, two different bay sinks, an island near the oven and stove. The kitchen table is big enough for two families but only has four chairs.

"Now, I don't want to tell you how to do your own job, but my mom like the smell of lavenders. So if you have like, anything lavender she'd love that." He says, taking me down a hall.

"Lavender, got it." I smile.

He brought me to the laundry room. I've never seen washer and dryer machines this huge.

"She doesn't like other people doing her laundry, but my brothers and sister will most likely leave a pile of their clothes by here. All you have to do," he paused to turn around. "Is turn this to the left. Hit this medium cycle button," he pointed to said button. "And then this button to run the load."

"Okay, seems simple enough."

He nodded. "Now the dryer." He took a few steps over and placed his hand on a dial identical to the last one. "Same thing, turn it to the left then hit the medium cycle. Then just hit run load button." He turned to face me. "Got it?"

"Yes." I nodded.


We walk back down the hall, back to the living room and around the corner behind the stairs. In the middle of a wall there's a door.

"This," he says opening the door. "Is the downstairs bathroom. Use it when you're cleaning, or don't, it doesn't matter. Just do not use the master bathroom upstairs; I don't know how but my mom will find out. She always does."

I smile and nod. "Got it."

"Okay, let's go upstairs." He pauses as we run up the stairs. "This is just a closet." He said opening it. "I know it's huge but if you don't have anything you need, like extra chemicals or anything, I'm sure you'll find it in here. Just make sure to put it back."

I nod as he closes the door. We continue walking down the hall and stopped upon the next door.

"This is Jay's room." He said, entering the room. "Did my mom say you have to clean their rooms?" He asked.

"Uh, no, she didn't say anything about that."

"Okay," he exists the room; closing the door behind him. "Well don't worry about these next two rooms then." He laughs.

We walk past the two rooms; I'm guessing it's Madison's and um....what's the other one? Max? No, that's not it....

"This is the master bathroom." He says, derailing my thought train. "And I have to repeat this, do not use it. In any circumstances; do not."

I nod and walk into the room after him. Holy shit.

"Now, there's really no specific ways to clean in here. Just do what you normally would with any bathroom."

I nod and follow him out.

"Well, that's really it. The basement is off limits, there's extra stuff if you need in the closet, don't use the master bathroom and don't clean the bedrooms."

"Okay. You said that your siblings would leave their dirty laundry by the washer and dryer?"

"Yes." He nods.

"Are there any specific things I need to be aware of with that?"

"Nope! Unlike their common beliefs; they aren't special and don't need any form of special treatment." He jokes, which causes me to chuckle.

"Okay, well then I think I'm all set." I smile.

"Okay, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. I'm gonna be downstairs for the remainder of the day, so just feel free to ask me anything."

I nod and thank him before we walked down back to the living room.

"Thank you for the help, Tyler." I softly smile at him as he sits on the couch. 

"Yeah, not a problem Joshua." He smiles back. 

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