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Tyler's pov

"What, you missed another episode? Can you believe this guy? What the fuck? Asshole." The tv spoke.

I chuckle to myself and take another bite of my chicken. This fuckin' show is insane.

The front door unlocks and opens and Bren walks in, he's visibly drunk. I sit up and pause the show.

"Hi hun, I made some chicken and rice, there's leftovers waiting for you in the fridge." I said.

He smiles and walks over to me, places a kiss on my cheek and takes a piece of chicken off my plate. "Thanks, love." He says.

I smile and blush a little. What? He only calls me pet names when he's in a good mood. It's most likely just because he's drunk this time, but whatever. He turns to walk away and I get a quick glimpse of his neck.

Is-is, no there's no way...

"So, I just went to the bar downtown," he spoke. "And there was this dude, absolutely shitfaced." He laughed.

I force out a laugh and get off the couch, walk over to him and sit at the kitchen table. "Yeah?" I say, trying to look at his neck again.

"Yeah! He was just slammin' back shot after shot! After a few moments though," he paused to push the numbers on the microwave. "There was this woman there. She was yelling at her man to leave her and he didn't. So that guy, the drunk one, goes over and tries breaking it all up. Shit went down very quickly." He laughed and sat next to me, his plate of food in his hand.

He continues. "Yeah, so he starts beating the shit out of the guy, and three more guys come up! They over power him but he still fucking won!" He pauses to take a bite of his food. "He sits back with his friends and takes another shot! Totally acting like nothing happened!" He laughs historically, almost choking on the food in his mouth.

I laugh to myself. Sounds like someone I know.

He turns his head to the side, giving me a clear view of his neck. Oh my God. Holy fucking- oh my God. I don't...holy shit. It's a fucking hickey. My stomach drops and I feel sick.

He turns back and notices me staring. "What?" He asks.

"Is-is that a-a hickey?" I muster out.

His face drops but a smile quickly appears. He takes another bite of his food and nods. "Yeah. It's from that guy at the bar. We hooked up in the bathroom after he got done beating up the guys." He smirked.

W-what? I don't...he cheated on me? And-and he's acting like it's no big deal? What the fuck?

" cheated on me?" I ask, my voice broken.

"Sure did. The guy said he was a top but the way he moaned out my name as I tore apart his asshole said otherwise." He laughed.

Tears swelled my eyes as he just sat and ate his food. "Y-you cheated on me." I whispered.

"Yep. He was a better fuck than you've ever been." The tears in my eyes rolled down, leaving salty trails down my cheeks. "Yeah, and I think his name was Joshua."

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