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Tyler's pov

Today's been absolute shit. My schedule has been so fucked up the past few days, I don't even know what day it is.

It's Wednesday but that's besides the point.

I lost track of what I do from day to day. I helped Joshua around the house and just hung out with him a few times and he completely scrambles my thought process.

Well it's okay, Brendon said I can't go back there. So I won't. I haven't. It's been a full week since the last time I was there.

It's been a fucking week and somehow I still can't remember what I do on Wednesday's. After having a straight schedule for years, it gets totally fucked up from hanging out with this random man like five times.

Five fucking times.

Yeah, he's nice. And funny. And sweet. He's kind and very cute. But five times?! I'm better than that! Me! Tyler Robert Joseph, am better than that!

And not to mention Brendon! He's been on my ass about it too! Like Jesus I'm sorry! I didn't know it was such a burden for you that I can't remember to clean up after you! I'm so sorry, my King. Please degrade me more, sire!

Today, Brendon locked me in our room. He hasn't done that in a while, and the last time it was because I bought a phone with his credit card. I kinda forgot it was his card and completely spaced it. The next day he locked me in our room for a full 13 hours. No food, no water, I couldn't even go pee. Our room doesn't have windows so I couldn't get fresh air.

I didn't do anything, so I don't know why he locked me in here. I didn't talk to anyone without his permission, I didn't go anywhere without his permission. I didn't step foot out of this house in over a week without his permission. I have no idea why I'm stuck in here and frankly, it fucking sucks.

I'm kinda losing my mind. We don't have pets so I can't play with them. Even still, if I brought one in here with me they wouldn't be able to leave. That'd make me a bad pet parent. Brendon would be a bad pet parent, no doubt about it. He'd be an even worse human parent.

God there's nothing to do in here! I'm so bored and this bed can only be so comfy for so long.

And yes! I have slept. We're going off the eight hour mark of being locked in here. I've slept plenty. My dreams are worse than the last so I like to keep the sleep to a minimum, thank you.

I've tried playing cards but I forgot I took them out to the living room to play with my mom when she last came over.

We don't have a tv in here because we're poor. I don't have a phone or anything. We don't have board games. I have nothing to distract myself.

I'm gonna kill myself.

Oh my God, this is shit is torture!

"Ty? You awake?" Brendon asked, unlocking the door.

I shot up and sighed. "Yes."

"Perfect. You have some work to do." He smirked.


He let out one last groan and fell besides me. Thank God, it's finally over.

"Thanks Ty."

I nod and roll over, my back facing him. "W-why did you lock me in here a-all day?"

"Because I wanted to Tyler. Don't ask stupid questions." He spat as he spooned me.

"S-sorry." I whispered.

"Whatever. Goodnight, Ty." He said.

"G'night Bren." I spoke as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

I have to get out of this. I have to leave. I can't keep letting him lock me in here. It's...well I'd say it's abuse but we all knew that already.

I just...he's gonna kill me. If I try leaving. If I tell someone, if I call the cops. He'll charm them like he always does and he'll get away with it and then I'll be dead by the morning.

I can't escape. There's no way I'll be able to. He'll know where I go, he'll know where I'll run off too. He'll find me, drag me back and kill me.

I have no where to go anyways. My siblings hate me and wouldn't let my mom take me back. I have no father and all my aunts and uncles are dead, I don't have cousins. I have no one.

Oh my God, I'm trapped. I'll never get out of here. I'll never be able to live the life I wanted. I'll never be happy, I'll never get out. Fuck.

I'm trapped.

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