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Joshua's pov

I haven't seen Tyler in a few days and it feels shitty. I'm just worried I made him uncomfortable or upset him. I know he's in a relationship, and I know I shouldn't have held his hand but it just felt like the perfect time to. It was an open opportunity for me and I decided to take it. And can you blame me? I mean it's fucking Tyler we're talking about here, any of you would hold his hand if you could.

Whatever. Today is my day off so I'm on my way to a bar out of town. I haven't been drunk in a long time and I figured what better way to drown my own self hatred than to get drunk? And I might even get in a bar fight, I love those ones. Who knows.

It's a little out of town, which isn't too bad. The drive, I mean. As much as I fucking hate traffic, I like car rides. They're relaxing and I can listen to my music as loud as I want without having someone tell my landlord.

I pull into the brick buildings parking lot and shut off my car after parking. I step outside, lock my car and walk to the building. The bell above my head rings as I walk inside.

"Hey, how're you today?" The bartender asks, doing that half-wave that men do.

I roll my eyes and do it back. "Good," I say making my way to the bar. Looking around, it's kinda empty. "Could I just get a gin and tonic?"

"Sure, one gin and tonic coming up." He said, turning back to grab the drinks needed.

"Thanks." I mumble.

He muttered a no problem and started making the drink. As I'm watching him, I hear someone talk loudly behind me. I don't care enough to turn around but I do keep an ear out.

"Here ya go." He said, pushing the drink in front of me.

"Oh, thanks man." I say.

He nods and walks off.

Taking a sip of the drink, my eyes rolls into the back of my head. Fuck, I missed drinking. I haven't been able to just have a day to drink in so long.

"No, I'm not saying I hate gay people but if I were to see a couple of faggots holding hands I would beat the shit out of them!" I hear a guy say.

Well, maybe I will get into a fight today.

"So you're saying you hate gay people." Someone else said.

"Yeah, basically." The first man laughed.

"Hey," I say holding my hand up to the bartender. He waddles back to me and nods. "Could I get a shot of whiskey?"

"Why though? They're just trying to love and there's nothing wrong with that."

"Sure thing." He turns and grabs a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass. Pours the drink and hands me the glass.

"Because it's fuckin' gross man! I'm okay with loving but not when it's two men! Lovin' was made for man and woman. Maybe even woman and woman but that is pushing it."

"Thanks man." I said before slamming it back. He starts to walk off but I place the glass back on the counter. "Another?"

The man groans and rolls his eyes but still refills my shot glass. "Thanks man, I appreciate it."

"Yup." He mumbled, walking off.

"I fucking hate faggots. They're an abomination! It's not what God intended."

Rolling my eyes, I slam back the shot. I stand up and walk over to the table with the three guys.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" I ask.

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