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Joshua's pov

Month 47 prt 2

*slight shitty smut ahead! proceed with caution!*

"I swear to God, if he fucking looks over here one more time I will beat the shit out of him." He rolls his eyes, taking another sip of his wine.

I laugh and pick apart my bread stick. "He's just jealous he doesn't have a hottie for a husband like I do."

Tyler giggles and leans back in his seat. "You're the hottie, not me."

"No way, you have a rockin' bod' babe."

"Well it's only for you to see."

I smile at him and take a bite of his salad. "I love you."

"I love you more, Joshua."

"Um, excuse me," someone says standing next to our table. It's the man who keeps staring at us. "I don't want to interrupt your dinner, but you are Tyler Joseph?"

Tyler and I look at each other before looking at the man. "Uh, who?" He asks.

"Tyler Joseph, the man who's been all over the news lately. You just look exactly like him."

Tyler smiles and shakes his head. "No, I'm not. My name is actually Joshua Dun, I've never heard of a Tyler Joseph."

"Damn, okay, well I'm sorry for intruding on your guys' dinner. I can pay for your dinner, for the interruption."

"Uh, that's not necessary-"

"No please, I was going to pay for you two if you were Tyler Joseph anyways. After what that man has been through, he deserves someone to buy him dinner." The man smiles.

I stifle a laugh and Tyler kicks me from under the table, glaring at me. "Sir, I appreciate that, and I'm sure Tyler would too, but you really do not need to do that. We ate a lot tonight, and I'm sure it'll be expensive-"

"Please? It'll make me feel better, you can just tell your waiter to send your bill to my table and I'll cover all of it."

Tyler looks at me and I shrug, so he hesitantly nods. "Yeah, okay, that'll be very nice."

"Oh, goodie! Okay, again I'm sorry for interrupting you two! Have a wonderful rest of your night." He walks away before we can say anything else.

He looks at me in shock before drinking his wine again. "What the fuck was that."

I laugh and eat more of the bread stick. "Why'd you go with my name? Out of all names?"

"I was just put on the spot! He could've tried killing me if I told him I was who I actually am!"

"You think I wouldn't have intervened?"

"Well no, I know you would've. Just, I'm tired of fighting Joshua, I didn't want you to even have to."

"It's okay, I get it." I smile at him and take a sip from his cup of wine. "When do you wanna head out?"

"We can go now if you'd like."

"Well what would you like? This is for you love, you decide when we go."

"Well I decide right now, let's go home and get our freak on." He smiles.

"Love, you're drunk, we're not doing anything." I chuckle, raising my hand to flag down a waiter.

"What do you mean?" He asks pouting.

"You're extremely drunk, you can't properly consent and I'm not taking advantage of that, we'll just go home and sleep. Tomorrow we can do stuff."

I look around and make eye contact with our waiter, and he makes his way to us. Tyler sighs and crosses his arms as the waiter walks over to our table.

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