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Tyler's pov

I don't really do much when I'm home. Hell, there's not even much to do anyways. I do deep cleans on Mondays (you wouldn't believe how messy Brendon is), I repair the holes Bren made since the last time on Tuesdays.

Wednesdays are really my "day off". I don't do anything but sit on the couch and watch Netflix. Thursdays are laundry days and Friday's are my favorite days. I spend the weekend wishing I were dead; I guess you could say they're my suicide days. Brendon has the weekend off, so you can guess what he does.

Today is Monday, so I'm spending it deep cleaning. I make my way through the house starting in the back. I begin in the bathroom; starting with spraying everything down with chemicals. The shower walls, the shower head, the handle and the tub spout. Then the toilet bowl, the seat and the cover; ending with the outside bowl. The sink handle, the sink bowl and the spout. Then the counter. I scrub and scrub away the dirty, unclean germs before spraying the floor and mopping it away; leaving the bathroom smelling like lavenders.

Then I make my way to the guest bedroom. I don't really need to do much here, seeing as how we haven't had overnight guests in a little longer than six months. I strip the bed and replace the sheets with freshly clean ones. I dust the furniture and sweep the floor then spray it all down with a lavender disinfectant scent.

I go to our room and like the guest room, I do the basics. Gather all the dirty laundry, strip the bed and replace the linen. I throw away the beer cans and bottles, and take out the rest of the trash. I end it with dusting and sweeping then spraying the room with a lavender smell.

The living room is different. I do the normal stuff first, gather the dirty pillow cases and the couch cushion covers, replace them out with clean ones. Then try my best to cover up the newly punched holes with either paintings or whatever I can find, in preparation for tomorrow. I spray the windows and wash them down, making sure to go in one direction so I don't leave streaks. I dump out the full ashtrays and wash them out, after washing the spot they sat on. I go and wipe down the coffee and end-side tables. Then I throw away all the varieties of empty beer and liquor bottles. All while taking note of the new burn marks scattered everywhere.

Then the kitchen. I unload the dishwasher and then load it back up, emptying the overflowing sink. I wipe the counters, dumping all the crumbs and whatever lingers on the surface, to the floor. I spray it with whatever cleaning chemical and scrub until it's so clean I can see myself.

I do the same for the table. Wipe all the residues onto the floor and spray it down, scrubbing at it harshly. I get the broom once again and sweep up all the big piles of dirt and whatever into one big pile in the middle. Making sure it to get every last bit, I throw it away.

Then I get the mop. I go over all the floors and then when finished I spray it all down with a lavender scent. When completely done and satisfied with how it looks, I normally have four trash bags entirely full. Then I take them out to the dumpster by the side of our house.

That's just the way Brendon likes it.

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