bill and chris

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Joshua's pov

Month 34

"Hey Greg," I say walking into work. "How's the family?"

He groans and laughs. "Wife's pissed that we haven't had sex in a few days and the baby keeps crying. The teenagers refuse to take care of the dog they wanted and the dog keeps pissing and shitting in the house."

I suck in air through my teeth and let out a chuckle. "Damn, that sucks."

He hands me my time sheet and I clock in, placing the paper behind the stack of others.

"How's Tyler doing?" He asks.

Smiling at his name, I shake my head. "He's doing good. Today he complained that one of his bosses wont give him two full weeks off work, to which I had to explain why he couldn't do that and he got upset with me for not choosing his side."

Greg laughs and walks behind the counter as I follow him to restock the cigarettes. "That's funny, man I wish Bill would let us do that."

"Speaking of Bill, why have I never met him?" I ask.

"What? You haven't met Bill?"

"Uh... no? Is that a bad thing?"

"Not necessarily, no. But you've been here for almost two years, I'm surprised you haven't. Wait, who even interviewed you for this job?"

"Chris did."

"Chris? Oh, Chris Joseph!"

"Yeah, Chris."

"Well I'm sure you'll meet Bill soon enough. He doesn't really visit this location anymore, he made another store over in Cali somewhere."

"Oh, I'm guessing Chris took over for him?"

"Yeah, something happened in Bill's family a few years back and he had to move. Chris took over this company and then we got a notice saying that a different branch is being added in California."

"Shit, do you know what happened to his family?"

"No, I think it had to do with one of his kids but that's about all I know. Chris might know more, but I wouldn't go asking."


"Tyler! What're you doing here?" I ask, running at him and engulfing him in a hug. I pick him and twirl us around, hearing him giggle.

"I just brought you lunch." He says as I put him down. "You forgot it at the house so I brought it to you, didn't want my Joshua going hungry." He smiles.

He hands me the bag and I give him a kiss. "Thank you love. Do you wanna share it in my car? My break is just about to start."

"Yeah! I can go wait by your car for you so I'm not in the way of anyone here." He says.

"No, you're never in the way. If anything, other people are in your way." I grab his hand and kiss his cheek, then pull him along down the hall.

We stop at the time clock and I let go of his hand to clock out.

"Tyler!" I hear Jeremy say behind us. "How's it going?!"

"Jeremy, hi! I'm good, how are you?" He asks.

I look back at them, and Tyler is pulling Jeremy into a hug. "I'm alright, your boyfriend here beat me in our bet so I'm little upset about that."

Tyler laughs and pulls away. "Yeah, he likes showing off sometimes."

"Hey! I'm just a competitive man!" I say in defense.

"Yeah, whatever! I'm making up a new one as we speak." Jeremy says.

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