endless amounts of fries

191 9 1

Tyler's pov

Month 5

"Hi, this is Tyler Joseph for Walmart, how may I help you today?"

"Uh, I was just at Walmart on 24th street, and this bitch cut me off in the parking lot." 

"I'm sorry to hear that sir, but this line isn't for that. Do you have any complaints, questions or concerns for the store itself?"

"No, I just want that bitch arrested!" 

"Sir, this isn't who you would call for something like that."

"Who would I call then?"

"Um, the police?"

"Oh. Could you direct me over to them?"

"Sir, do you not know the number for the police?" 

"No I do not."

"Sir, it's 9-1-1."

"Oh fuck, I knew that. Okay, you have a good day."

"Thanks, you too." 


"I hate this fucking job." I groan.

"Well you handled that very well, Tyler." Joshua said, patting me on the back. 

"So many fucking stupid people." 

"Hey, at least you get to work from home! And if it makes you feel better, I work with a bunch of teenagers!" 

I look at him with a confused look. "My mom hasn't hired you back yet?" 

"Nope." He shook his head. "She hasn't."

"What the fuck! I'll call her after my shift, don't worry." 

"Oh, that's okay, you don't have to." 

"We need the extra money, Joshua. It doesn't help that I'm only making $12 an hour!" I say, flailing my arms in the air.

"Yeah, I know, but you only just started working, give it a few months and you'll get a raise." 

"I should be paid fucking $30 an hour dealing with these stupid people." 

Joshua went to speak but was cut off from the phone ringing. I groaned and picked it up. 

"Hello, this is Tyler Joseph from Walmart, how may I help you today?" 

"I'm pretty sure I just saw someone with a gun." A woman said.

"That's okay, was is in a holster?" I asked, typing what she said. 

"Yes, but this is a Walmart! There's no need for a gun!" 

"Ma'am, if it's holstered then it's okay. Our guns laws are stated all over the premises, so if you look at them you can see that a concealed firearm is okay." 

"That's total bullshit! My safety is at risk with this man with a gun!"

 "No, ma'am it isn't. If you feel threatened, then I'd advise you to just simply leave the store." 

She scoffed and hung up. 

"Oh my God, please kill me."


"As a little celebration of how good you're doing at your job, I got us a reservation." Joshua said, walking inside my room. 

I looked up from my work and only slightly glared at him. "Joshua, you know I have no fancy clothes-"

"Hey, I didn't say it was a fancy place! They told me they don't do reservation, I just wanted to throw you off. It's just a small diner down the street." He smiled. 

I lightened up and shook my head at him, smiling softly. "I don't wanna go in public today. I feel gross." 

"Then take a shower! I can't cancel these very important, very real reservations at the fanciest place in all Ohio!" He said, fake offended. 

I laugh and go back to my work. "I'm sorry, Joshua. I haven't taken a shower in so long and I'm just feeling sore, maybe another time." 

"Maybe I could help you." He said hesitantly. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him again.

"Well I could give you a massage, help you into the shower, I know it hurts to get in by yourself." 

I gave him a look that said, "are you serious?" but smiled again. "You really just want to eat those french fries, don't you?" 

"Yes." He said seriously but quickly changed his demeanor. "I'm kidding, I wanna celebrate you! You've worked so hard these past five months, you deserve to eat endless amounts of french fries!" 

I laughed and placed my laptop next to me. I swing my legs over the side of my bed and stand up. "Okay, but you have to promise not to say anything when you see me without a shirt on." 

"Why would I say anything?" He asked. 

I sigh and without thinking, I take my shirt off and toss it to the side, exposing all the scars and bruises I still had from Brendon. They're scattered all over me, littering my body. I looked at down at the floor, ignoring the burning sensation in my stomach. I felt his eyes wander all over me, making me feel small. 


"I said that you can't say anything." 

"Can I say that you're absolutely fucking beautiful?"

Tears stung my eyes as I looked up at him. "W-what?" 

"Can I say that you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen, even with all of these marks on you?" 


"Because, fuck, Tyler. I've never seen anyone like you." 

Tears flooded my eyes, overfilling the brim of my bottom lash line. He stepped closer to me, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. My arms by my side as I cried into his chest. 

"You're fucking breathtaking, Tyler."


 "What can I get you two to eat today?" The waitress asked us. 

"Could we just get one big plate of fries? Like, the biggest plate you have." Joshua said. 

"Just french fries?" She asked, making sure it's all we wanted. 

Joshua looked at me and I nodded. "Yeah, just the fries." He answered. 

"Okay, anything to drink?" 

"Just two ice waters, please." 

"Okay, one big ol' plate of fries and two ice waters, comin' right up." She said. 

"Thank you!" He called out as she walked away.  "So, are you ready for your endless amounts of fries?" He smiled. 

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