Chapter 1⛄

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The sound of clock  ticking could be heard in the messy apartment, and the flies buzzing around  the leftover chicken on the table. The loud snores coming from the  bedroom, indicated that a person was sleeping peacefully.

The unwashed  utensils in the sink, the unclogged toilet, the unorganized shelves, the sticky  floor, made the apartment smell stinky. But none of this bothered the  snoring person.

His name was Kim  Seokjin. A twenty two year old omega, who is in need of a job.

He was a drop  out from college, but he loved doing social  work. He helped people, moreover Mrs.Kyle, who was his neighbor, a fifty  three year old widowed omega. Jin helped her in buying groceries,  repairing her water heaters and any appliances.

Jin thought he could  have studied mechanics, but it costed a lot, so he gave up  on going to college. Due to his mother's health condition he stopped his  college course, and started to work part-time jobs. He was not welcomed  by many companies since he was not a graduate. But still he made money  by doing house chores.

No body helped him  whenever he asked money from the people whom he helped. They used him  for his handy works. Because of lack of money his mother's condition got  worse and she eventually died three years ago. Since then Jin had been  living in a single bedroom apartment, which looked like a toilet cabin.

"Aghhh." Jin groaned in  his sleep while hearing the alarm clock ringing continuously. Last night  he was very busy in doing three part-time jobs, and he got to sleep  only at midnight 2.a.m. He sleepily shut his alarm clock and got up and  sat on his bed by ruffling his messy hair.

He looked at his phone, and it showed

"Oh shit. Who the hell  invented this snooze system?" He threw his phone on the bed, and ran to  his bathroom to get ready. He looked at the dirty mirror and wiped it  with his palms to look at his beautiful face, as the first thing in the  morning.

If Jin had ever thankful  to God, it was for his beautiful face. Though Jin had only seen poverty  in his life, he never complained about it. Many people offered him  money for his face and the delicate body.

Well who wouldn't love to have such a beautiful omega in their bed? He understood that being kind  does nothing good, but being handsome does payed him a lot. He used his  face to lure his customers and suck all the money, but when it came to  the bedroom, he rejected it.

He was not ready to have sex just for some horny alphas.

Jin was continuously flushing the toilet, but nothing seemed to work.

"Why the fuck it's not  going inside? It's not even that big. I barely ate the chicken last night."  Jin was frustrated but it was nothing new to him. This happened almost  everyday.

"Oh right, the chicken."  Jin mentally slapped himself and ran to the living room without  bothering about the unclogged toilet, and shooed the flies away. He smelled  the chicken, and he knew if he ate that he would end up in having  diarrhea.

He dropped it in the garbage can, and went to wash his  utensils. It was Sunday but for him it was a working day. He needed to  pay the rent for this month and also need to buy some groceries.

After half-an hour of  washing the utensils, Jin wiped his wet hands on his shorts, and looked  at the sink where the water got stagnated.

"Does anything work  properly in this fucking house?" He screamed and put his finger inside  the sink's hole and started to take out the waste which got stuck inside. He  picked up the garbage can, and opened his house door.

The sunlight  flashed right onto his beautiful place and he was happy to feel fresh  air. He dropped the trash on the garbage can outside and soon he  stopped when he heard someone calling him.

"Hi, Mrs.Kyle. Good morning." Jin bowed politely.

"Ahh Morning Jin, can you look at the window of the air conditioner, the cooling is not coming?"

"I checked last month Mrs.Kyle, nothing could be wrong."

"I think the window is dirty. Maybe that's why. Will you clean it for me now, I kind of expecting a guest soon?"

Jin sighed and looked at  the balcony of Mrs.Kyle house. The air con window was fit outside and  it could be dangerous if he slips. His head would smash right on the  ground.

Jin bit his lips and was counting in his head for money that he was going to get paid for his simple job.

"Ten dollars?" He asked Mrs. Kyle, who gave a sweet smile which he disliked.


Jin brought the ladder  and placed it against the balcony. He slowly stepped up with his shaky  legs and hands. He carefully reached the destination and mentally  told himself not to look down. He grabbed the ladder in one hand, and  with other he started cleaning it with the cloth.

He started to cough when  the dirt got into his nose. And suddenly his legs trembled and the  ladder started to shake very badly making him fall on the back.

"Oh shit that old bitch didn't even hold the ladder for me. I am going to die."

He closed his eyes shut  and screamed by keeping his hands on his eyes. He thought he was dead  but he didn't feel like he hit the ground, he opened his one eye when he  heard a voice saying

"Morning exercise?"

Jin removed his hands   and opened his eyes when he heard that beautiful deep voice which sounded like   a melody to him. He was feeling shy by looking at the person who was holding him like a treasure.

Alpha Kim Taehyung.

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