Chapter 32⛄

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"This is fantastic, Jin. I mean, it's really a great idea." Jungkook smiled proudly by hearing Taehyung complimenting his omega. He was indeed happy when he read about Jin's new project idea for their company.

After rejecting the offer from Akasuki Enterprises, Jin wanted to bring a big project. He knew that he was the one who stopped his Alpha boss from signing the contract. And he felt bad for letting an offer go.

But he made sure to bring a nice project for the company. And now they were in Kims Enterprises, with Taehyung reading his ideas.

"Isn't he smart? It would really be nice to start a campaign "Love Myself" and we could establish in schools and universities. We may get good welcome from everyone." Jungkook said making Jin blush heavily.

It's been a week since his heat, and they both were back to their work. Jin could feel the difference in himself. He found himself often blushing whenever he saw Jungkook or their hands touched.

They didn't have any intimacy after his heat. Though his omega was whining needily, Seokjin had a very good control over him. He had fingered himself by thinking about his alpha. And he wondered whether Jungkook had ever touched himself by thinking about his omega.

Now looking at the cute doe eyes, Jin could never have dirty thoughts. His alpha was looking all cute and lovely in a simple blue denim shirt with white pants.

"What are you waiting for then? Start the campaign. I will sponsor you and let's spread the beauty to the outside world." Taehyung said making the Jinkook couple to happily clap their hands like a seal.

After having a detailed conversation about launching the project, the Jinkook couple found themselves in the elevator to exit the office.

"When are you shopping, Mr. Jeon?" Jungkook who was busy in admiring his omega immediately flinched and blinked his eyes several times.

Right. He needed to do shopping for his brother's wedding. Now after talking with Taehyung, they came to know that the mating ceremony is in three weeks.

"Soon, Seokjin. Do you know any shops where they sell suits for a cheaper rate? Maybe with some discounts or coupon cards."

Kim Seokjin who was busy in making some corrections on his project looked aside to see Jungkook counting in his fingers. He frowned by seeing his alpha budgeting his purchase.

"Why, Mr. Jeon? It's a once in a life time ceremony. Don't you want to treasure it?" Oh how bad Jungkook wished it was that easy.

"Of course I do. This is just my brother's. It's their day. But when we have mating ceremony, I will treasure it." Again Seokjin found himself blushing by thinking about Jungkook talking about mating. He didn't know why but whenever his alpha talked about getting mated, his omega was active and wanted to jump on Jungkook everytime.

"I-I need to say something to you, Mr. Jeon." Jin whispered softly making Jungkook's heart to clench. He gulped by rephrasing the word again and again.

"Was he going to break up with me? Am I not good enough? Should I buy costly dress?" Jungkook came out of his negative thoughts when he heard the elevator sound. They had reached the ground floor.

Jin walked out first with his alpha following him like a lost puppy. Jungkook's heart was racing by not understanding what did Seokjin meant by he needed to say something. They both walked down to the street market with an awkward silence.

The omega stopped in his tracks when he felt someone tugging his jacket. He looked aside to see Jungkook having a small frown with tears in his eyes.

"W-What do you wanted to say, Seokjin? Please say it right away. I am getting terrified." This made Jin to widen his eyes and hold his alpha's hand immediately.

"Oh my ! It's nothing serious, Mr. Jeon. I-I" Seokjin was looking everywhere to find any small coffee shop for them to have a peaceful conversation. After spotting one, he pulled Jungkook to a small bakery and thankfully it wasn't crowded much.

Since it was mid afternoon, they didn't have much customers. Seokjin brought Jungkook to the last table and sat by facing each other. The omega was howling sadly by seeing their alpha getting emotional.

Frustratingly, Jin pushed his hair back and held Jungkook's hands tightly on the table while looking at each other.

"I wanted to say about my heat, Mr. Jeon." Jin whispered lowly making Jungkook to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"What happened? Was I too rough? Should we do Vannila sex? Tell me anything baby. I would never hurt you." Jungkook softly held Jin's hands who instantly blushed. How could Jungkook speak such thing without getting shy.

"I-I was not on birth pills, Mr. Jeon. There are chances of me getting pregnant. I felt bad for not letting you know beforehand. Please tell me your thoughts." Jin was losing his patience by seeing Jungkook going numb.

The hold on his hands loosened making Jin's omega to whine lowly. When Jin looked up to see those doe eyes, it showed nothing but happiness. Soon his hands were held tightly by Jungkook who was giggling happily.

"Oh my, Seokjin. You had me terrified. I thought you didn't like having sex with me." Jungkook blushed and scratched his neck with embarrassment. Though Jin found his alpha being cute, he was also waiting for Jungkook's thoughts about his pregnancy.

"And don't you dare to hide anything like this from me. You are my omega, and you chose me as your alpha. I would never ever leave you alone. If you get pregnant, I would be very much happy to take care of you and our pups.

I am the one who should be worried. Will you be happy if you get pregnant by me? I don't want you to feel pressure around me."

Seokjin wished he could count by how many number of times he wanted to smack his alpha's head. He didn't like how Jungkook would belittle himself.

The omega was losing his patience, and pulled Jungkook's collar towards him to whisper words only for his alpha to hear.

"If you want me to prove, I will let you to fuck me right here, Alpha~ Make me pregnant right on this table~" Jungkook shivered and found himself getting goosebumps by the husky voice. His alpha felt proud by seeing his omega letting them claim right in the place.

Jin softly smiled and kissed on the round nose before rubbing their noses together. They placed their foreheads and looked at each other with so much love that no words could describe.

"Stop thinking, Mr. Jeon. Just do what your heart says. I trust you and I would never accepted you if I don't like you. I would love to carry your pups in me, and would love to have a small family with you."

Jungkook felt himself tearing up by listening to such sweet words. He found himself sniffling his nose and nodding his head while scenting his omega.

"I apologize for my intrusion, sir. But I felt like you were never going to order. Would you like to eat here or a take out?"

The Jinkook couple flinched softly and looked aside to see a waitress, probably a beta smiling at them awkwardly with a menu card in her hand.

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