Chapter 16⛄

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"So, you packed your things?" Park Jimin asked Seokjin who was busy in drinking his hot coffee. After taking few sips, Jin placed down the cup on the table and looked at the omega in confusion.

It's been five days since Jin had come back to work. The omega convinced himself that Taehyung was his best friend only and not more than that. He decided not to waste his life by weeping over the claimed alpha.

"For what?" Jin asked his friend who rolled his eyes by the silly question. Right now they both were in their company cafeteria discussing about several rumors inside the company. The two omegas loved speaking about such things and spent their time mostly with unwanted matters.

"For your business trip. Didn't Jungkook told you already?"

Jimin's eyes narrowed when he saw the omega nodding his head negatively. Jin was confused about what trip was his best friend speaking. His Alpha boss hasn't contacted much with him, after his arrival to the company. They both have been distant and rarely communicated with each other.

They do eat lunch together but still Jin felt the weird distance between them. And his omega wasn't very fond of it.

"Mr. Jeon hasn't informed me anything about it." Jin confessed making Jimin to furrow his eyebrows.

"Ah! Probably you didn't know since you took leave couple of days before. We got a new client and a sponsor for our company. Maybe you should ask Jungkook. Because you are his assistant and you should be there.

Those people are you know like highly rich fuckers, and I don't think they will treat our CEO good if he leaves without his personal assistant." Kim Seokjin decided to ask his Alpha boss if the other wasn't going to speak anything.

"I will talk with him now." With that Jin got up from his chair and walked to the stairs before throwing away his empty cup in the garbage can. He was being impatient to take the elevator.

In few minutes, Kim Seokjin reached the third floor and he could smell his Alpha boss's scent through out the hallway. It made his omega stumble a bit, but Jin made sure not to take in much scent.

With few breathe in and outs, Jin softly knocked on the office door of his boss. After hearing a soft, "Come in" Seokjin managed to twist the knob and step inside the room. He licked his dry lips and waited for his boss to hang up the call.

"Yes, Mr. Choi. I received the tickets and will be there. Can't wait to discuss our business projects with you. Well then, later." Jungkook said firmly before placing the receiver down. After a heavy sigh, Jungkook looked up to see his assistant standing in front of him with his lips twitching.

The alpha could tell that the omega wanted to ask him about something. Jungkook's eyes wandered over Jin;s outfit and his alpha felt proud of his omega looking so cute and bubbly. Jin was looking beautiful with the pink jumper and black denim tucked inside.

"What is it, Seokjin?"

Jin flinched by the sudden question. He cursed himself for checking out his Alpha boss who looked handsome in a simple black shirt and jeans. His omega wished they could see their alpha in a casual dress.

The omega shook his head and cleared his throat before asking the things that was bugging his mind.

"I was talking with Jimin, and he said something about a trip. Is there something that I am unaware of, Mr. Jeon? I am your personal assistant and I should know what trip or business you are dealing with. But it seems like you don't trust me enough to share any business matters and you are on your own decision."

Kim Seokjin didn't want to speak harshly but he couldn't hide his disappointment. He didn't like how his Alpha boss didn't consent him on anything. Was he degrading him based on his omega status?

Jeon Jungkook on the other side widened his doe eyes by the sudden outburst from his omega. He knew that Kim Seokjin was not like others. But seeing him speaking boldly made Jungkook shook.

Never once had he thought of hiding anything from his assistant. He wasn't sure whether the omega was okay from all the events happened few days before.

"I do realize that you are my personal assistant, Seokjin. We got this invitation when you were on leave. Since you weren't there, I spoke with them. I never planned to go anywhere without informing you."

Kim Seokjin wished he could roll his eyes by the stupid alpha sitting infront of him.

"You dropped by my house on that day. Why didn't you tell me about it?" The omega folded his hands against his chest and raised his one eyebrow at the Alpha. Jungkook felt intimidated by the omega before him. He didn't like how their conversation was turning into an interrogation.

"I didn't want to stuff you with company matters. I visited your house to eat with you not work with you."

Kim Seokjin knew that he shouldn't feel angry at the alpha when his boss was trying to comfort him. But still he didn't like how he felt like an outcast in this company.

"Whatever, Mr. Jeon. Have a safe trip. Since you dealt the meeting without me, I hope you travel without with me too. I can see that you don't need me anymore."

That made Jungkook to stand immediately when he saw their omega trying to turn his heels towards the door to excuse himself out of the room. But before he could, the alpha grabbed the omega's wrists making the other to halt in his action.

Jin felt shiver running down the spine by the simple touch on his wrist. His omega needed more of this touch and it whimpered lowly. Kim Seokjin cursed himself for letting out a whine when he felt Jungkook's hands removing from his grasp.

Jungkook walked around the table and stood tall before Seokjin who felt very small infront of his Alpha boss. Jin's heartbeat stopped by how lovely those doe eyes looked at him.

"Seokjin, I am not going to a trip without my assistant beside me. In fact I asked two tickets for the trip. Who do you think the other one is for?"

Kim Seokjin simply shrugged his shoulders by looking at the handsome alpha.

"I don't know, Mr. Jeon. You tell me." Jungkook controlled his smile by how cute Seokjin was acting. He walked to his table before picking up an envelope and showing it to the omega.

"This is your ticket. We will be leaving to Japan in three days. I will mail you about our new client and business we are going to deal with. I won't leave for the trip without my smart assistant beside me."

Jungkook winked making Kim Seokjin to blush immediately. The omega felt his cheeks and ears turning red by seeing their alpha boss flirting with them.

"I-I will see, Mr. Jeon." With that Seokjin snatched the envelope from Jungkook and speed walked outside the office. The omega closed the door behind him and softly slapped his cheeks.

"Fuck, why am I feeling hot suddenly? Ufff~ I-I just need to calm down." Seokjin said to himself and walked to his chair before gulping down the bottle of water in one go.


AN: I am overwhelmed by reading your positive comments about Alpha  Jungkook in this story angels. I have read some fanfics where Jungkook  was mostly portrayed as an arrogant and a cold-hearted alpha.

If  you angels have been with me for a long time, you would know how I write  my books. I want my angels to have fun while reading. I have less angst  and more fluffy and some *cough* smut scenes.

So of course in my stories, Jungkook (My baby Kuku) will be soft and hot at the same time. I want my stories to differ from other ABO stories. And I hope I will continue to do that angels.

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