Chapter 54⛄

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"I am telling you, Minnie. He is doing something behind my back." Jin exhaled heavily while holding his lunch box tightly on his lap.

Right now Jin was sitting in the office and was waiting for his alpha. It's been almost four hours since he had arrived. They had fun while having lunch, and Jungkook left him when he got a phone call.

Jin had been sitting on the sofa with his feet tapping nervously. He found Jungkook behaving weirdly and he didn't like how restless his alpha was. He had never seen his boyfriend like this.

"Relax, Jinnie. You know about Jungkook. Sometimes he gets nervous when you are around him." Jimin said making Jin to sigh heavily. He knew that his best friend was right. Jungkook was always staying active whenever he was with his omega. He wanted Seokjin to feel comfortable and happy.

"I know and he does so much. I have told him not to doubt his worth." Jin knew how Jungkook would develop insecurities with simple things. Being with his alpha for more than a year, Jin had helped him in crushing those negative thoughts. He had shown him how much he loves Jungkook and he could never have an alpha like him.

"Maybe he bought a lingerie for you~" Jimin guessed making Jin to whine loudly. He could feel his face getting red and blushing heavily.

"Aww shut up~ I know about my alpha~ He is not like your mate." Seokjin countered making Jimin to laugh loudly on the other line. He remembered how Jimin had called him one day and told him about Namjoon buying him lace panties.

His mate had some kink and loved seeing Jimin wearing panties while pregnant. Though Jin teased his best friend at that time, he knew that his best friend would have slayed the outfit.

Jin furrowed his eyebrows when he heard some murmurs coming from the other line. He heard some voices and he wasn't sure what they were talking.

"Minnie, are you alone? Because I am hearing some voices." Jimin on the other line cursed lowly and didn't knew that Jin had sharp ears.

"It's just, Joonie. He is been touching and breaking things. I guess he is scolding me lowly since I told him to clean it up. How the heck he expects me to bent down and clean the mess with my nine months belly?"

Jin laughed it off and his weird thoughts disappeared sooner. The Jinmin buddies was talking on the phone without seeing the time. Jin soon forgot about Jungkook who went out after a call.

"Oh shit! It's almost eight. Isn't Jungkook come yet?" That's when Jin looked at the clock and gasped by seeing that it was eight in the evening. He didn't know what was taking his alpha so long.

Before he could answer, he heard the sound of the door opening. He turned his head only to get shocked even more.

"T-Tae? What are you doing here?" Jin stood up from the sofa, and looked at his phone to see that Jimin had already hung up the call. He didn't find any missed calls from his alpha neither a message.

There Taehyung was standing near the door while wearing a grey suit. Jin was sure that the other had come from his company office.

"Jungkook called me and said that he would be late. So he told me to pick you up. You ready?" Taehyung said while walking towards his best friend before grabbing the lunch box from the table. Jin wasn't sure why his alpha had told his best friend and not him.

"U-Uh yeah. Let's go." Jin walked beside his best friend who gave his boxy smile. It's been really a long time since he had spent time with Taehyung. Although they had spoken through calls, they rarely had time to meet.

Both sat inside Taehyung's car, with Taehyung closing Jin's door and jogging to his side. Jin carefully put on his seat belt and looked over his best friend who started the engine.

"Wow, it's been so long since I rode in this car." Jin commented making Taehyung to chuckle softly. Taehyung looked at Jin with lovely eyes for a second before focusing his attention on the road.

"I know. You have been ignoring my vehicle ever since you guys bought one." Taehyung pouted making Kim Seokjin to giggle by the cuteness.

"Aigooo~ Don't pout. It does not suit you." Jin snorted making Taehyung to laugh lightly. The two best friends shared a simple conversation while talking about Hoseok and his pregnancy.

Jin's eyes furrowed when he saw Taehyung taking a different route. He looked aside to the road where they were supposed to turn but his best friend had already crossed it. Seokjin kept his mouth shut, hoping that Taehyung lost the way.

He thought the other take the next turn, but to his luck Taehyung was never taking the right route. Jin looked at his best friend who was driving his vehicle without looking at the omega.

"T-Tae, I think you are going in the wrong path. You are supposed to take the turn to our house." Taehyung smirked lightly and looked at Seokjin who was pouting like a baby.

"I am going in the right path, Jin. Don't stress too much. Don't you trust me?" Jin felt weird by the question. He had never had this type of conversation before.

"Of course I do. But where is Mr.Jeon by the way? He didn't have time to message me yet he had time to call you?" Jin angrily huffed out while folding his hands against his big belly.

Taehyung could see that the other was little mad at their alpha.

"Well I guess he is been busy." Taehyung heard Jin snorting by his answer.

"Yeah busy talking with some saleswoman." Jin murmured and looked outside when he felt the car slowing down. His eyes furrowed when he saw that they were near the Han river bridge.

The omega turned his eyes to Taehyung who had already stepped out of the car. The alpha ran to Jin's side and opened the door signaling the other to get down.

"W-Why are we here?" Jin asked while trying to take the seat belt off. Taehyung offered his hand to his best friend and helped him from getting outside the car.

Jin's body got goosebumps by the cool breeze and he felt suddenly cold by feeling the chill air. He shivered a little but Taehyung held his hands to keep him warm.

"Come." Taehyung guided Seokjin who was having no idea what the heck was going on. He looked around to see that they were nearing the Han river park. He could see the amusement park was lit with bright lights but with no people.

After walking to some distance, Kim Seokjin's eyes widened when he saw his alpha standing all alone in front of a Ferris wheel like object.

The omega gasped softly when Jungkook licked his lips anxiously while giving his bunny smile to his handsome omega who was stunning in just a sweatshirt and shorts.

Jin was already in tears while walking towards Jungkook, and his heart was beating faster with every steps. His eyes swelled with tears when his alpha knelt down on the ground before him and reaching for Jin's hands.

 His eyes swelled with tears when his alpha knelt down on the ground before him and reaching for Jin's hands

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