Chapter 40⛄️

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Jin moaned softly by feeling of Jungkook's lips all over his naked body. He couldn't help but arch his back to his alpha's touches.

After knowing about pregnancy, Jin's omega wanted to be with their alpha alone. He wanted to feel Jungkook and needed his kisses. That was the reason why Jungkook brought his omega to his house.

This was the first time, Jin had come to Jungkook's house. Though he didn't have time to look around since he was busy in stripping his alpha while kissing him hungrily.

They both ended up in bed with Jungkook hovered above him and kissing him all over his neck. Jin's hands tightened around the bed sheets and he could feel his slick leaking from his hole.

"A-Alpha, I am going to ruin the sheets." Jin tried to warn his alpha who paid no attention to his damped sheets.

"Fuck the sheets, baby. You are so wet for me~" Jungkook growled by smelling his omega's slick oozing out from his hole. The alpha howled proudly by seeing their omega getting turned on because of him.

Jungkook never had the chance to worship his omega's body. They were rushing because of his heat and another time, they made it inside a bathroom. So the alpha was busy in tracing and licking all over Jin's naked body.

Jin cried in pleasure when Jungkook dipped his tongue inside his navel, and his veiny hands possessively soothing his tummy. He could feel himself getting emotional by thinking about their pup inside him.

"Our pup~" Jungkook hummed in please while rubbing his nose all over Jin's belly by scenting him and their pup. Jin opened his eyes, and looked down at his alpha who was cutely scenting their pup.

"Ours, Alpha~" Jin whispered while brushing Jungkook's hair softly. The alpha purred by the words and he locked his eyes with his omega who gulped by the intense look.

Jungkook spread Jin's legs wider and groaned by the sight of the slick shining in between his ass hole and thighs. The alpha possessively scooped some slick in his hands and rubbed all over Jin's belly making the other to moan by the action.

"Look at your papa, baby. All wet for me~And needy." Jin purred by the feeling of Jungkook's hands massaging his belly with his slick.

"Can't wait to see you all round and big, Seokjin. You would look so sexy and all plump. All mine~" Jin moaned by thinking about his alpha's words. He knew that he would get big and he would complain about his body ache. But it was all because of his alpha. Jungkook made him like this.

Jin shivered softly when he felt Jungkook's nipple piercing rubbing his thighs. He could just cum by looking at his alpha's beautiful tattoo. And today, he wanted to try different.

"Alpha, can I ride you~" Jungkook moaned and sat up between Jin's legs with hooded eyes. He could see his omega biting his lips sexily and the desire in his eyes.

How could Jungkook say no when his omega wanted to ride his cock?

The alpha immediately changed their positions, with Jungkook lying on the bed, while Jin straddling his lap. Jin squeaked by the sudden force, but moaned when he could feel Jungkook's cock poking right at his hole.

The alpha was rubbing his hands on the side of Jin's torso, while Jin was slowly tracing his fingers all over Jungkook's tattooed chest. Jin moaned softly when Jungkook bucked his hips up with impatience.

Jungkook groaned when Jin pulled his nipple ring lightly and soothed with his fingers. Without waiting, Jin got up a little and reached for Jungkook's cock behind him while lining it in his hole.

The omega was mewling happily by the feeling of Jungkook's cock tip entering his ring muscle. Jin moaned by rolling his head back with his alpha's cock entering his wet insides inch by inch. The omega cried in pleasure when he felt Jungkook inside him fully. He was sucking his alpha's cock and clenching around it tightly.

Jungkook could feel stars by the feeling of the warmth of Jin. His cock was wet and surrounded with Jin's velvety walls. The alpha carefully placed his feet on the bed and thrust his hips up making Jin to moan loudly.

"Nnnghh~Alpha let me ride you~" Jin shook his head, and placed his hands on Jungkook's chest while planting his feet on the bed. He slowly lifted himself up by feeling of Jungkook's cock dragging inside his hole and he sat down with much force.

The omega was in euphoria by feeling of his alpha's cock hitting right at his prostate.

Jungkook smirked at his needy omega who was bouncing on his thick cock while rolling his head back. The moment Jin confessed he needed Jungkook, his alpha wasted no second in pulling him into a hungry kiss.

Jungkook made Jin to cum first time with his tongue, fucking his needy hole which was leaking of  slick. They both needed this intimacy after going through lots of events.

"Mmm~ Alpha, so big."  Jin moaned shamelessly while moving his ass up and down on Jungkook's  cock. He loved how his alpha's cock hit his prostate everytime he bounced down on the thick thighs.

"Look at you baby,  bouncing on my cock. Are you that needy for your Alpha's cock?" Jungkook  growled and pinched Jin's nipples who was biting his lips sexily. He  groaned by the flat belly and kept his hands possessively while rubbing it smoothly.

"Nngghh, yes Alpha ~ Love your big thick cock~" Jungkook groaned by the dirty talk of Jin.

"Fuck~ What a filthy mouth you have, omega~" Jin moaned when he was directly addressed to his omega. They were mewling happily by getting recognized by their alpha.

Jungkook didn't like how slow Jin was bouncing, so he decided to take control. He sat up making Jin gasp by sudden thrust into his hole. Jungkook hugged Jin tightly while thrusting his cock deep  inside harder and faster. The bed was crackling with sound, but Jin's moans and Jungkook's growls overshadowed it.

Jin nuzzled his nose on Jungkook's neck, and sucked a hickey on his mate.

"Mmm~ Seokjin." Jungkook  moaned by his omega's actions. Sweat was forming in each others body,  but their love making was what mattered to them.

Jin came with a loud cry making Jungkook to curse by how tight he was clenching around his cock. The alpha didn't stop his thrusts and he started to pound into his needy hole which was leaking more slick by every poundings.

Jungkook made his omega to lay on the bed and threw Jin's legs over his shoulder. He started to thrust his cock inside his omega while leaning down for a kiss. Jin immediately smashed his lips for a hungry kiss, and hew as moaning endlessly by the hard thrusts.

He could feel the bed hitting the wall, but they didn't care. Jungkook was reaching his orgasm, and he rammed inside his omega mercilessly.

"A-Alpha~" Seokjin screamed in pleasure and pulled him for a tight hug when he felt Jungkook releasing inside him. Jungkook nuzzled his nose on Jin's scent gland and placed a soft kiss making the omega purr.

When he was about to pull out Jin whined by shaking his head.

"Be inside. I don't want to feel empty." Jungkook groaned by the request. He softly laid down on the other side by pulling Jin over his body. Jin giggled by seeing their alpha''s strength but he had no voice to compliment him.

Jin hummed in please when Jungkook rubbed his hands on his back while brushing his hair. The omega could feel himself getting sleepy and with a smile on his face Jin closed his eyes by listening to Jungkook's heartbeats.

On the other side, Jungkook was controlling his happy tears. Never did he expect that he would find an omega who would care for him and accept him as their alpha. But here he was with Kim Seokjin, the most beautiful omega who chose him despite other alphas.

And to add top on the cherry, he was pregnant with his pup. Jungkook softly wiped his tears and kissed on Jin's shoulder before letting his eyes to sleep with a thought of him going to be a father for their tiny pup.

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