Chapter 6⛄

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Kim Seokjin knew it. He knew that his alpha boss was doing this on purpose. But he couldn't argue or yell at his boss who had been torturing him for the past two weeks.

He was made to work late night, and Jungkook never seemed to leave the office until the clock hits ten. Kim Seokjin was supposed to leave after his boss, and he reached the company before nine.

Though he loved doing the job, he despised his Alpha boss. The bunny guy didn't seemed to be cute anymore. Jin was made to walk back and forth to get coffee, snacks and sometimes lunch for his boss.

"Fuck, he is taking his sick revenge on me." Jin groaned while leaning his head on the chair. He heard his friends giggling but Jin decided to ignore it.

"I know you don't have very good relationship with alphas, but let me tell you. Jungkook is an exception. Not all alpha are assholes. Look at me for instead."

Jin opened his eyes and looked at Kim Namjoon who was showing him a dimple smile.

"Well you aren't until  you try to cheat on Jimin. And I won't let it happen because you will be  killed by an omega. And that omega would be me."

Jin tried to warn the alpha who had been dating his friend, Park Jimin. Within the first two months of working in Jeon Enterprises, Jin became very good friends with Park Jimin. Later the omega introduced his boyfriend, Kim Namjoon who was an Alpha working in the same company but different department.

"I told you, Jinnie. Mr. Jeon is not someone to be played with." Jimin tried to make his friend realize about their boss. Jimin knew about Jungkook through Namjoon.

Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jungkook were best friends. They have been helping each other in building their own empires.

"I know about Jungkook. He won't leave you until you realize your wrongs." Namjoon causally said before drinking his lemon tea. Right now they were having a small chit chat in the cafeteria and enjoying their break time.

"I know I shouldn't have slapped him. But I thought he was the one." Jimin and Namjoon sighed by listening to their friend's rambles. This wasn't the first time that Jin had been trying to justify his act. But deep inside the omega knew that he had no rights to raise his hands against an alpha without a proper evidence.

"If you are going to be stubborn with your decision . Then be it. I can't wake up a person who is pretending to sleep. You know your mistake, yet you don't want to admit it." Before Jin could stop his friend, Jimin was already walking out from the cafeteria making Jin pout.

Namjoon who was noticing their conversation felt bad for the omega.

"He is always like that. Ignore him but not his words. Trust me, he is always true." With that Namjoon patted on Seokjin's broad shoulders and jogged behind to calm down his omega.

Jin sighed heavily and looked at the coffee in his hands. He was supposed to bring it to his boss but he decided to talk with his friends. Though Jin was brave outside, his omega in him was itching him every freaking second.

His omega was ready to submit to the alpha who did nothing but gave him a life.

After few breathing in and out, Jin got up from his chair and walked to the coffee shop to get a hot coffee. His mind was filled with thoughts about how was he going to confess to Jungkook.

Though Jeon Jungkook looked like a bunny, sometimes he felt intimidated. He could never trust a person who was all calm and peaceful. He would never know when they will burst out.

After softly knocking, Jin opened the door to see his boss being in a call. Jin felt goosebumps by scenting the manly scent. It belonged to Jungkook, and Jin felt giddy by it. His omega was squirming and wanting to jump on the alpha.

But Jin steadily placed the coffee on the table and waited for the alpha to finish his talk in phone.

Jungkook sensed the omega presence in his room, and he turned back to see Jin standing there nervously.

"Yes, I will call you back. And please tell to give a visit here, if they want to donate for my company." Jungkook hung the call and reached for his coffee mug to smell the strong scent of coffee beans.

With a first sip, he looked at Seokjin who was still in his own world.

"I apologize for slapping you, Mr. Jeon."

Jungkook choked his coffee and reached for the tissue box near on the table. He wiped his mouth and nose and looked at the omega in disbelief.


Jin sighed before looking directly at the Alpha. Though his legs were shaking badly, those eyes made him feel weirdly.

"I am confessing my mistake, Mr. Jeon. I was wrong to think that you have misbehaved when clearly you didn't. And I am sorry for insulting you in public and hurting you."

A smirk played on Jungkook's lips by hearing those sweet voice. He carefully threw the tissue in the garbage can and grabbed the coffee.

"See, that wasn't hard? A simple sorry was all I wanted, Seokjin."

Jin so badly tried not to roll his eyes on the mocking Alpha. He knew that his boss was doing this on purpose. But his omega was finally happy that they had apologized to their alpha.

No not theirs.

"But I wasn't taking my  revenge on you just for that. Oh no! Your responsibilities in this  office is more since the company is new. Workload will be more, if you  find hard, let me know. And yes, I accept your apology."

Jungkook gave the bunny smile making Jin's heart skip a bit. He was confused whether Jungkook had a bipolar disability. Now he was acting all cute and the moment before he was acting rude.

"T-Thank you, Mr. Jeon." With a bow, Jin closed the door behind him. He released a heavy breath that he didn't know that he was holding.

"H-He is danger." Jin whispered himself and shook his head to erase that memory of the beautiful bunny smile.

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