Chapter 61⛄

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Three years later.

"But everyone are going in my school." Jeon Yoongi stomped his feet on the floor by thinking how ridiculous his father was speaking. He disliked how their conversation was going.

"I don't care who is going, Yoongs. No means no." Jin said while trying to warn his son who was being arrogant in what he was speaking.

He knew that his pup got this attitude from him and he kind of dislikes it. Although Yoongi is silent like Jungkook sometimes he shows his other side only when he is mad.

Jin always disliked to have an argument with his son. He rarely shouts or fights with him. But today he was testing his every ounce of patience.

"Baby, why do-"

"No Alpha~ I will handle this" Jin gave a stern look to Jungkook who immediately shut his mouth by seeing how mad his omega was. He knew that mad Jin couldn't be controlled by anyone.

Jin turned his attention to his son Jeon Yoongi, who was pouting and having his hands tightly held against his chest.

"Why are you so adamant in going for the zoo trip? You are just five. What's even in a zoo? Just animals? You want to go and see those animals being caged for their life time.

If you want, your dad and I will bring you to the zoo. I can't allow you to go with other children."

"I want to go." Yoongi whined while shaking his body and wiggling it cutely. He had his puppy eyes and cute pout which Jungkook always do whenever he wants something.

"Oh no! Don't you dare to show me that puppy face. Your father does that enough." Jungkook awkwardly smiled when Yoongi gave him a look. He was in caught in between two people whom he loves the most.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Yoongi was in verge of crying by seeing his father not allowing him to go for the school zoo trip.

"Let's talk about it later. Now open your mouth." Jin fed the spoonful of rice to his son who angrily spit it on his plate making his father to lose his patience.

"Did you just spit the food which I fed you? Do you know how much work your dada and I put to buy that food for you?" Jin asked in disbelief by seeing their son Jeon Yoongi getting down from the chair and sticking his tongue out before running off the stairs.

"You little devil! Come here. Alpha, leave me!" Jin yelled and kicked his legs by trying to catch his son who was being held by Jungkook.

"Just calm down, baby. Yoongi for god's sake run fast!" Jungkook was back hugging his omega who was wiggling his body to get away from his tight grip.

"I wasn't asking for your permission. Dad already gave me money to register.

Sorry for spitting the food. And I AM GOING!!!!"

Yoongi shouted before closing his bed room door making his parents sigh in defeat.

Jin looked at his alpha in disbelief who hadn't told him about the zoo trip.

"You are spoiling him." Jin panted heavily and shook his body to get out of his alpha's hold.

"I am not and I never gave him permission. He asked me but I told him to ask you. He is just rambling. Now I want you to calm down, Seokjin."

"Oh shut up! I hope our future pups would listen to me. I will get my chance once our pup comes out. He or she would support me and kick you both out."

Jungkook smiled by seeing his omega cutely whining in his hold. His alpha was howling in pride by hearing their omega wanting more pups with him.

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