Chapter 53⛄

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Kim Seokjin was bowing his head to all his co-workers who was greeting him with a big smile. After launching his new project, "Love myself" he got so many praises and compliments from people. He felt proud while walking through his office.

It's been such a fucking long time since he had stepped in their office. Nearing ninth month pregnancy, Jungkook made sure that Jin was resting well. He took him to every doctor's appointment and listened to the doctor's advise.

But he was literally jumping in joy, when Jungkook told him to visit their office whenever he felt like it. He wasn't sure about the sudden change in his alpha's attitude. The other never allowed him outside their house except for meeting their best friends and date nights.

He was wearing his alpha's oversized black sweatshirt and shorts. He found difficult to bend down to wear jeans or pants. Jungkook always helped in wearing the dress, and loved holding his stomach for more than hours.

The company was looking so pretty and big. He remembered Jungkook telling him about expanding rooms and building some extra floors. He could see several unknown faces working as volunteers and he felt happy.

On his way to the company, Seokjin had seen his alpha's photo being displayed on buses and banners. Recently The Jeons Enterprises partnered with Kims Enterprises.  So Taehyung and Jungkook were right now business partners and sharing equal profit.

Their partnership came out as a hot news to the South Korea, and both were getting lots of interviews and questions about their future projects. Jin could see that their alpha was working hard, and he wished he had some time to rest.

That's the reason why Kim Seokjin was visiting his office, with a small lunch box in his hands. He specially made a lunch for his alpha and him, and he wanted to eat together. He walked to the elevator and pressed the button for Jungkook's floor.

The elevator was empty and he soon reached his destined floor. With a wide grin, Jin was humming a song and walked through the corridor. The floor was full of several rooms with volunteers working behind the glass doors.

His omega mewled happily by seeing their alpha's name on the door. He softly knocked in and waited for a "Come in." After getting a reply, Jin opened the door and smiled by seeing his alpha talking with someone on the phone while facing his back at his omega.

"No, I said I wanted today. Don't you get it?" Jungkook was getting frustrated with the phone call that he was having who was unaware of his omega's presence inside his office.

Jin silently locked the door behind him and carefully walked in his steps with the lunch box in his hand. He wrapped his arms around Jungkook and back hugged his alpha who flinched softly.

"What the-" Jungkook was about to shout at the person but when he saw the beautiful hands and the black sweatshirt, his alpha mewled happily by having their omega inside.

Jungkook smiled while rubbing his hands over Jin's who was nuzzling his nose and scenting his alpha.

"Y-Yes, please make sure to deliver it today. I have written the office address." Jungkook whispered while hanging up the call. The alpha hummed in please with Jin purring at him and placing a kiss on his neck.

"What a surprise!" Jungkook giggled making Jin to smile softly. Jin slowly released the hug, letting his alpha to turn and cup his face lovely. Jungkook couldn't help but coo at his omega who was looking beautiful with chubby cheeks. He placed a soft kiss on his forehead before capturing those plump lips.

Jin moaned in please while trying to kiss his alpha. They both found themselves getting lost in the kiss, and nibbling each others lips.

"What brought you here? Not that I am complaining." Jungkook said while caressing Jin's face who opened his eyes to look at his handsome alpha. With a big smile, Jin showed his hand with the lunch box.

"Brought lunch for us to eat. I was getting bored, so I thought of visiting you by making lunch." Jungkook's alpha howled in pride by seeing their omega taking care of them. Jin could see the surprise in Jungkook's eyes and he loved how big those doe eyes were.

They both walked to their table and pulled two sofas. Jungkook made sure to put some extra pillows for Jin who was busy in laying the lunch box on table.

The Jinkook couple found themselves eating together while sharing a small conversation.

"So who were you talking to when I came here?" Jin asked while taking a bite from the honey chicken which prepared with love. He loved how tasty and sweet it was.

Jungkook who was busy in admiring his pregnant omega eating cutely widened his eyes by the question.

"I-It's just- uh some woman." Jungkook cursed himself for stuttering and with hope he wished Seokjin didn't notice it. But it was too late when the alpha looked at Jin who was narrowing his eyes by not buying his answer.

Seokjin dropped his chopsticks down and licked his bottom lips where there was some honey. He could tell that Jungkook was hiding something from him. His alpha had always spoke by keeping eye contact with him.

He could feel Jungkook's scent getting little sour and he didn't like it.

"Some woman?" Jungkook closed his eyes and cursed for his mistakes. His omega had started to doubt him. With a heavy sigh, he looked at Seokjin who was raising his eyebrows while waiting for him to answer.

"Y-Yes, Seokjin. It was a saleswoman. I-I ordered something on online and it was supposed to come by today. T-They were running late, so I contacted them." Jin could tell that Jungkook wasn't lying about this. He had looked at his omega's alpaca eyes and spoke.

But what did he order? Was the question that lingered through his mind. But Jin knew that Jungkook would have told him if he ever wanted his omega to know. The other didn't mention what he had bought, so he decided not to push further.

"Okay , Alpha~ Do you like the chicken?" Jin continued his little chat for which Jungkook felt heavy relief. He was thankful that his omega didn't question him further.

Jungkook's doe eyed widened and nodded happily by how well Jin had prepared lunch for them. The Jinkook couple found themselves feeding each other time to time while enjoying their private time.

But Kim Seokjin couldn't erase the thought of his alpha hiding something from him.

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