Chapter 13⛄

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When Kim Seokjin opened his eyes, he was left with a heavy headache and body cramps. He could definitely feel his sore muscles from the position he was sleeping. He lazily kicked his legs and yawned loudly while trying to open his eyes fully.

Suddenly, last night memories started to fled into him and he sat up on his sofa immediately. He could feel his stained tears on his face and he could smell his own vomit from his mouth. He didn't know what time it was and when he was about to go to bathroom, his eyes locked with a small note and a glass of water with a tablet.

He reached for the note and he found himself getting confused by the handwriting. The handwriting on the note was scribbled and he found difficult to phrase it out.

"Make sure to take this medicine before you eat, Seokjin.

If you can't make up to work today, let me know.

- Mr. Jeon"

And his eyes locked down with the number written in the corner of the note. Now he remembered that, he didn't have Jungkook's number neither his boss had his own. Though they were working together, they mostly contacted through mails.

He was so fucked up that he couldn't remind last night events after drinking. Now he knew that Jungkook was the one who had dropped him home.

He felt emotional by having some person looking after him. No one had taken care of his morning hung over except his mother. He never drank much but he loved getting scolded by his mother and babysitting him.

The first time he drank was when he found that Taehyung had left the country. His heart broke, and he used alcohol as an excuse to relieve his pain. The next time he drank was when his mother left him. And occasionally, Seokjin had drinks in party and no more.

Last night was the worst night he had ever had. He hadn't drink much like before night. He felt thankful for his alpha boss to leave him a medicine. He grabbed the glass of water and took the medicine by gulping down in one go.

He could feel his throat sore and he knew soon he would get allergies if he didn't eat anything. After taking the medicine, Jin walked to his bathroom to get fresh. It took his almost twenty minutes to rub off the smell of his vomit and he brushed his teeth before gargling with the mouth-freshner.

He was not in mood of going work. His face was puffed up and swelled with his tears. He was not ready to face his boss who had seen his vulnerable state. He decided to let his boss know about his absence.

Seokjin walked to the living room and picked up the note before saving his boss's number on his phone. He was biting his lips anxiously about what to message. He was never a person who hesitated to chat, but with Jungkook he rarely spoke.

"I am taking a one day leave, Mr. Jeon. Thank you for the medicine." His fingers were fighting whether he should use the smiling emoji or not. But he decided not to and sent the message to his boss.

That's when he noticed that the time was already half past eleven and it was noon. He felt like a fool to let his boss know his absence when the half day was over already. Before he could put his phone down, he was alarmed with a notification with a reply message from his boss.

Jin's eyes widened by the instant reply. But little did he knew that, Jungkook was being restless without getting any message from Seokjin since morning. He had been waiting and checking his mobile for every second to see a notification from his assistant.

"Okay, take rest.😊" Kim Seokjin found himself smiling lightly by the emoji symbol. His omega jumped in joy by seeing their alpha caring for their omega.

He didn't know what he was going to do for the rest of the day. He knew that he couldn't speak with Jimin, since the other would be rather in work or in house having a hung over just like him. He always spoke with Taehyung whenever he felt bored.

But now he knew that the other was already engaged to an omega and he was out of his league. He decided to spend the day in his nest by crying over the alpha who hadn't accepted him. When he was about to go to his bedroom, he heard his doorbell ringing.

Jin was confused by who could be possibly visit him now. With a light head ache, he walked to his door and opened it only to reveal the handsome alpha who just broke his heart last night.

There Taehyung was standing outside his door with hand full of bags and showing his boxy smile.

"Hey." Jin could feel his omega getting furious and telling him to beat the shit out of the alpha. But deep inside he knew that Taehyung was still his best friend. Jin bit his lips tightly and his fingers were playing nervously around the door knob.

"I bought you hung over soup and some snacks." Taehyung broke the silence since he felt like Jin was not going to initiate the conversation.

Jin could see that his best friend was trying so hard to come in terms with him for good. But there was nothing to speak when they both never had anything to start with.

"C-Come in." Jin moved aside to let Taehyung in who happily walked inside. The omega looked at the alpha who placed the hot soup on the table before arranging some snacks. He saw Taehyung walking over television to put some movies.

Jin's heart was beating fast by seeing Taehyung making himself at home. Of course they never felt awkward before but why now?

Well the reason was Taehyung was not single anymore. He was not exclusive for Jin only. With a heavy heart, Jin walked to the sofa and picked the soup before smelling it. It smelled very good, and Jin was already hungry.

He picked the spoon and started to sip the hot soup carefully before looking at Taehyung. The alpha was already looking like he wanted to say something. But Kim Seokjin was acting like a teenager and never once paid him the attention.

"Jin, can we talk?"

There it is. Kim Seokjin thought and sighed a heavy relief.

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