Chapter 5⛄

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"I just can't believe you slapped him." Jin rolled his eyes for the nth time after hearing his new friend complaining about his behavior. It's been just two hours since Seokjin started to work in Jeons Enterprises.

Jungkook introduced an omega named Park Jimin, who gave him a small tour of the office. Jin kind of loved the small guy who was looking cute and fluffy. They both instantly got clicked and soon found themselves enjoying their coffee in their cafeteria by sharing a small conversation.

"Come one, what's there to fuss about it? It was just a coincidence." Jin casually said while sipping his hot chocolate by earning soft giggle from Jimin. Jin loved the surroundings and he felt comfortable around strangers.

Normally he would snap at everybody whoever looked at him. But here everyone were busy with their own works and rarely had time to spare a look.

"If it was any other alpha, you would be already dead for slapping one. But since it's Mr.Jeon you are alive." Jimin shook his head by looking at the fearless omega in front of him.

"Pfft~ you are exaggerating. He looks like a bunny." Jin commented by earning a loud laugh from Park Jimin. Jin joined the other and started to have fun with his new friend.

"You don't know about him, do you?" Jimin asked making Jin to furrow his eyebrows. But he shrugged it off and decided to finish his hot chocolate before getting into work. After bidding a good bye to Jimin, Kim Seokjin walked to his seat which was situation right outside Jungkook's office.

The third floor consisted of only one room and that was Jeon Jungkook's. The hallway was empty but filled with paintings on the wall. And now Jin's small cabin was situated outside Jungkook's room.

Jin sat on his chair with a heavy sigh and his eyes locked with his boss's room which was on his right side. He couldn't see what was happening inside since the curtains were closed. He loved his small cabin and it looked cute.

A small computer and some papers placed on it. He had a telephone which he assumed that his boss would call, and had a small cactus plant. He made up his mind to take care of the plants by watering it everyday as the first thing in the morning.

Kim Seokjin was not an organized person, but he loved by seeing everything clean in front of him.

Jin couldn't believe that for a start up company like this could have so many tasks to do. And to add top on cherry, he was the personal assistant for Jeon Jungkook.

"I mean who would appoint an omega as their assistant for an alpha boss?" Jin asked himself but he felt proud at the same time.

He was working in a big firm where people who degraded omegas. He was finally happy to see himself breaking stereotypes of people who thought omegas were made to breed and look after the family.

Jin suddenly remembered about the mail that Jungkook was talking  about. Without further ado he opened his system and typed the password  that Jimin had given him.

After logging in, he opened his mail to see a message from his boss.  With a small click, Jin's jaw dropped by seeing the number of things  that was listed on it. He blinked his eyes few times, and rubbed his  eyes with back of him palm to make sure that he saw correctly.

He kept scrolling down the page, but it seemed to be endless. Kim Seokjin rubbed his temples by looking at the endless tasks that had been given to him. He decided to ask his boss to make sure that he got the mail right.

He pushed his chair back and walked to Jungkook's room by softly knocking on the door. He peaked his head inside to see the Alpha typing something on this system. Jin stiffened when his eyes locked with Jungkook's who had stopped typing and gave his attention to the omega.

"What is it, Seokjin?" Although Jin kind of disliked Jungkook, his omega squealed in joy by having an alpha calling him by name. Rarely people did that since they loved to label them as omegas.

"Uh, Sir. I got the mail, and I was supposed to do all those listed in it?" Jungkook's shoulders slumped down by the stupid question.

"Yes, and do you need any help with that?" Jin gulped weakly by how intense the alpha's eyes bored on him. With a soft head shake he stood straight.

"Good, and make sure to complete everything before you leave. I don't like pending works, and I want it on my table tonight." Jin immediately nodded and rushed to his cabin by closing his door softly.

"Fuck, how am I supposed to finish this before night? He must be joking right?" Jin muttered under his breath and started to read the tasks hat were displayed in the mail.

Before everything he made sure to read his salary details and he was happy to have some fine amount for a newbie. Though he had to work on only week days, he was supposed to work from home on weekends.

Jin was supposed to come to the office before ten and should leave only after Jungkook. He must accompany Jungkook with every meetings and business trips. All the schedules and day today events must be submitted to Jungkook before handed.

Jin was supposed to bring coffee to Jungkook and also should accompany to restaurants for lunch. Jin mostly went without food for most nights, he was okay with it.

Jin didn't know how long he had been working but he was getting there. He loved the peacefulness and the calmness in the environment. He flinched a little when he heard his phone buzzing. He knew who it would be.

With a sigh, he picked the receiver and brought to his ears.

"Get me a coffee, Seokjin. And less sugar."

"Yes, Mr.Jeon." Jin said and waited for the other end to hang the call. Jin placed the phone down and tried to punch the phone by imagining it was his boss.

But little did Jin knew that Jungkook had been watching him the whole day with the camera installed just above the ceiling.

The boss was enjoying his time by seeing the omega suffering.

"The game has just started, Seokjin. And let me see how far you want to fight me." Jungkook smirked by looking at his system where he could see the beautiful omega working his ass off.

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