Chapter 21⛄

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Jeon Jungkook was feeling uneasy by how his personal assistant Seokjin was looking at him. It's more of like staring. He wasn't sure whether the omega had remembered their last night. His inner alpha was howling sadly by thinking about their omega rejecting them.

The alpha couldn't concentrate anymore on the people infront of him who were talking about their partnership. He could feel himself sweating and wiping every time with a slight discomfort.

Kim Seokjin on the other hand couldn't take his eyes off of his Alpha boss. He felt weird when he woke up all alone in the bed with wet boxers damped with his cum and slick. He remembered him shooing away a strange alpha in the club and how he walked to his boss.

He wasn't sure whether he had done something sexual with someone or he just used his hands to reach his high. But right now, Kim Seokjin was trying to analyze tattoo on Jungkook's hands which was now covered with a formal full hand white shirt.

It is a light see through, and Jin was concentrating more on finding the patterns on those veiny hands. His omega had never been this active before. But after waking up in the bed all alone, his omega was constantly urging him to bang the door of his Alpha boss.

"Mr. Jeon, we would be glad to help you by providing funds and fetching more projects. But we would also like to have a 50-50 partnership with your Enterprises. It's a budding company, and we are investing on a not well known Enterprises."

Mr. Kim Jung Hyun translated the words that Akasuki Enterprises conveyed in Japanese. Neither Jungkook nor Jin know the Japanese language, but thankfully they had a translator being arranged for them.

Kim Seokjin came back to his senses when he heard about their dealing. His eyes for the first time locked with the CEO Akasuki Kai, who was boring eyes at him. He could tell that the person was an Alpha, and he was around late twenties. He didn't like how the other was eying him like a piece of meat.

He felt disgusted and shifted his eyes to the translator who was busy in explaining the details about partnership to Jungkook.

Jin could see his Alpha boss trying to negotiate some matters in the deal. He wasn't comfortable with having a 50-50 partnership with this company. Without wasting his time, Jin cleared his throat and tugged on Jungkook's sleeves who immediately turned his attention to his omega.

"Mr. Jeon, can I have a moment with you outside?" Jin whispered loud enough to let the other two people hear.

Right now the business meeting was held in a private room inside a coffee shop. And Jungkook could sense sour scent coming from his omega. He softly nodded and looked at the other two people who was waiting for his signature.

"Excuse us for a moment, gentlemen." With that being said, Jungkook got up and walked out of the private room with his assistant following him behind. And Jin didn't miss how the CEO Akasuki checked his ass out.

After walking out from the room, Jin and Jungkook reached to the outside of the coffee shop in the busy city of Tokyo. They could see people walking busily on the streets and having their day.

"What happened, Seokjin? We were right in the middle of an important discussion." Jungkook made sure not to raise his voice neither sound harsh. He didn't like to be interrupted but he knew that there would be a reason for his assistant's disturbance.

Jin on the other hand was busy in pushing his hair back out of frustration and looked at his Alpha boss who was waiting patiently for his reason.

"Mr. Jeon, I-I am not sure about this."

"Not sure about what?"

"The partnership. I feel something fishy. The CEO, their vibes and the looks. Everything is not settling quite in the place." Jungkook was having his eyebrows furrowed while listening to the silly reasons.

"I gave you the details about their company. And you checked it. We are proceeding after everything's been thoroughly reviewed, Seokjin. They are not scammers."

"I am not saying they are. But don't you think it's too much to ask for a 50-50 partnership?"

To be honest, Jungkook wasn't quite okay with their deal too. Asking for a 50-50 partnership was more. They didn't have a profit in the first place at all, their company was unknown and they were at high risk for getting loss.

"But we are a small company, Seokjin. No one would just walk in and give us a chance."

"Exactly, Mr. Jeon. And why are they willing to help us?" Jungkook found himself getting confused by the question. He wasn't sure either. He remembered how he got a mail regarding their interest on investing on their company.

His alpha was down with not having his omega by the side. He didn't know what he was doing and he just accepted to meet without discussing with Jin.

"Mr. Jeon, I am not comfortable with this. Let's not sign right away. W-What if our company becomes famous. You don't have to share your hard work to the people who just want profit out of it.

I am telling you. I can feel that one or the other day our company would make it. Just because our Enterprises is small doesn't mean we need a charity. You started this with your own blood sweat and tears.

I don't think it's fair enough to share your hard work with some unknown people. What if they had analyzed our future projects and sell it to other big companies? We can't trust anyone in business field, Mr. Jeon.

I don't know if I am crossing the line but I trust you and our company, Mr. Jeon. And I want you to trust your workers and colleagues too. We are happy with how our company is growing. It's slow but steady. Just because we aren't getting any recognition doesn't mean we are useless. You are providing jobs to people and with our new project, we will make it."

Jungkook was having jaw dropped by how well his assistant spoke about their company. With every word emphasizing " OUR" company made him proud.

"Let's not discuss our future projects with this Japanese Enterprises, Mr. Jeon. Just enjoy the free accommodation and free food and let's fly back to Seoul happily."

Jungkook laughed along with Seokjin who looked so happy with their trip. They both went inside and decently cut off their agreement without signing it. They could tell that the Akasuki CEO wasn't quite impressed with their decision.

He stood up and shook hands with Jungkook and bowed politely with a smile. His smile soon turned to a smirk when he gave a handshake to Kim Seokjin who awkwardly shook his hands. He could feel the Alpha gripping his hand hard and spoke something.

He looked over the translator who reached for his pocket and showed him a visiting card before translating his CEO's words.

"I can see that you are intelligent and a smart worker. I hope you make a good decision by not staying in this small company and look for a bigger one instead.

If you ever want to shift a company, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to give a position in our company to such a beautiful omega."

Jungkook's heart dropped by seeing the richest and handsomest CEO offering his visiting card to Seokjin who was smiling at him sweetly. They knew it was not new to offer people jobs infront of their boss.

But Jungkook bit his lips and tried to control his emotions when Jin reached for the card and looked at Akasuki with a monotone glance.

"Thank you, but I don't think I would ever have a reason to shift the company. This is the first company to give me a job and I will stay here until my boss kick me out." With that Jin politely bowed and put the card on the table before walking out followed by Jungkook with a proud grin.

He always thought Seokjin would trade this job for some other big company's offer. But he was thankful for finding such a beautiful omega to be with him.

His alpha and him made up their mind that this was their omega. And he would be ready to court the omega who just chose him over other big fucking rich alphas.

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