Chapter 9⛄

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Jungkook was trying to control his temper by looking at his personal assistant being all happy and lovely. He didn't know why, but today he could see his assistant having a good mood.

Which according to him was bad, since the omega's heart was going to break anytime tonight. But no matter how many works he had assigned Jin, the omega seemed to complete it with a wide grin.

"Fuck, why do you have to be so happy? Especially today?" Jungkook muttered to no one and hit his head on his desk while feeling bad.

He knew that he would be one of the reason's for Seokjin's heartbreak. But he couldn't let the omega to have a fantasy that was never going to happen in real life.

He looked at his wall clock and it was almost seven. Jungkook sighed heavily and stood up from his chair before adjusting his shirt. He knew that he never wore a formal coat, but he loved wearing casuals.

After tucking in his white shirt inside his black jeans, Jungkook walked out of his office to find Jin arranging the files into his drawer.

He cleared his throat without looking at Jin, and tried to adjust the cuff link in his shirt.

"Oh, Mr. Jeon. I am ready. Everything is finished." The omega said happily and walked around his table to reach his Alpha boss. For once Jungkook looked up to see his assistant who was looking handsome in his blue shirt tucked inside white ripped jeans.

He could feel blush creeping on his cheeks, but Jungkook shook his thoughts and nodded before turning to walk towards the elevator.

Kim Seokjin was happily tiptoeing on his feet and hummed an unknown music while walking behind his alpha boss. They both were waiting for the elevator to come up and were completely in silence.

Jungkook didn't know what to say or ask. He could see his assistant being in his own world. The sound of the elevator brought them back to the reality and both hopped in with complete silence.

The Alpha boss didn't like the awkwardness between them. He wanted to make a conversation but the other seemed to be busy in his phone.

"Uh, we will have to catch the train, Seokjin." Jungkook broke the silence, and thankfully the omega turned his head towards his boss for giving attention.

Kim Seokjin placed his mobile in his pocket and nodded to his boss. Though Jungkook was keeping his head straight, his eyes were locked with Jin's reflection on the mirror infront of him.

"Do you perhaps know what the event is about, Mr. Jeon?" Jungkook could feel his goosebumps by listening to the soft voice. He had never heard Jin speaking so polite with him. But he knew the reason why.

The Alpha boss cleared his throat and turned his head to his side to look at his assistant having a hopeful eyes.

"It's Kim's family event, Seokjin. I am not sure what it's about." Just like that Jungkook lied to that beautiful face. His heart ached by realizing that he had hidden the truth but he was in no position to tell about it.

Soon the Alpha boss and the omega assistant walked out from the elevator, and were greeted by the employees. They both walked through the subway and were waiting for their train to arrive. Though Jin was busy in scrolling through his mobile, Jungkook was in high alert.

He lowly growled at the horny alphas whoever made an attempt to come near his assistant or had the audacity to look at his omega. Jungkook made sure that he was standing right next to Jin. Though he could feel the scent off Taehyung wearing off from Jin, he still disliked it.

Jin looked up when he saw their train approaching. Jungkook was following his assistant behind for safety, and soon the both boarded. The stop would take nearly twenty minutes to reach, and to their luck, the seats were full already.

Jin was standing while holding the bar, with Jungkook just behind him. Though the train was less crowded with standing, Jin made sure to maintain some distance from other people. He could see omegas and alphas standing along with him.

It was about ten minutes of travel, and Jin felt uneasy. He could see the weird stares that people were giving at him. He furrowed his eyebrows and turned around to see his Alpha boss giving death glance at the alphas who were trying to touch other omegas in the train.

"Can you stop growling? Your pheromones are strong and you are just making all the omegas in the compartment uncomfortable." Jin whispered making Jungkook to come back to reality.

The Alpha returned his glaze on his assistant who had his head to his side and whispering to him. Jungkook felt embarrassed that he had been caught. He awkwardly brought his hands behind his neck while scratching it softly.

Jungkook could see the sweat over Jin's face and ears turning red. He could tell that the omega was not pleased with the journey. Jungkook felt bad by seeing the omega stuck with him because he works in a small company.

"I-I know that you aren't fan of traveling in the train. I wish I had a car to travel for business purposes. I-Its just that I don't have enough money and I am still new to the business field.

If Taehyung was there, he would have dropped you in his car. With me you are stuck to travel in trains."

Jin's heart suddenly felt warm by hearing such words. His heart ached by listening to Jungkook's words. He knew that the Alpha behind him was different in his own way. He never took his alpha boss's words for granted. He knew whatever Jungkook had mentioned was from his heart.

And weirdly his omega mewled with happiness by hearing their alpha having thoughts about securing them.

Kim Seokjin turned around while grabbing the bar to look at those wide doe eyes that reflected his own image in those beautiful galaxy. The omega felt bad by seeing the alpha before him degrading his own self.

"I am not a born rich, Mr. Jeon. I spent my life traveling in a crowded private buses and eating in streets. It's just, Taehyung just spoil me so much. But that doesn't mean that I am uncomfortable here with you.

Trust me, just because you don't have any car or any experience in business doesn't make you any less of an Alpha.

To be honest, I feel safe and comfortable with you. No matter where the place is, I could go with you without any doubts in my mind.

I hate to say this, but you are one of the handsomest and sweetest alphas that I had ever met. You are rare, and please don't let your negative thoughts to break such a kind heart."

Those words made Jungkook to go dumbstruck. His doe eyes locked with the alpaca eyes, and he could feel the sincerity in his words. The train car suddenly felt hot, and they both found difficult to breathe by how close they were standing.

Their eyes couldn't look anywhere, and they both were in their own world. If they listened carefully, the chats in the train went deaf to their ears, and they could hear the sound of their heartbeats.

The Alpha boss suddenly felt his throat dry and licked his dry lips unsure about what to say further. But thankfully the train stop had come letting them to shift their attention from each other.

Both got down on their stop by speaking nothing, and hearts beating fast. They didn't share any words and they found themselves walking silently to Taehyung's company without any conversation.

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