Chapter 35⛄️

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Jeon Jungkook was having little fun while trying to build a conversation with his brother's friends. He hadn't met everyone but he was happy that he could find some people recognizing his company.

"What you have taken was really a big initiative, Jungkook. I hope you get more funds and more sponsors." Jungkook couldn't help but smile a thank you to the alpha Jackson who was genuinely happy for his best friend's brother.

"Thank you. But the idea was from my personal assistant and who is also my omega." Jungkook said proudly while talking about his omega to others. He could see the other people gasping shockingly and laughing while teasing him.

"Wow, you have grown up so much." Alpha Bambam said making the others to nod by his statement.

"Never knew you already have someone, alpha~ I thought I had a chance." The omega named Aeri said while trying to blink innocently and held her hands above Jungkook's veiny ones. Jungkook chuckled softly and shook his head. With time, everyone were in their own business, by leaving Jungkook and Aeri having a small chit chat.

"So, your omega. Is she beautiful?" Jungkook who was busy in thinking about his handsome omega failed to notice how the omega Aeri sat very close to him. A smile was creeping on the alpha's face just by imagining his omega.

"He is handsome, smart and lovely." Jungkook said softly while sipping his fruit mix. The girl omega gave a light scoff before leaning towards the alpha while coyly pulling her hair behind her ears.

"So its a male. Are you bi?" Jungkook didn't like how the conversation was going. He never gave a thought about his sexuality. His heart and alpha was jumping in joy the moment they saw Jin. That's all it mattered.

Before Jungkook could reply to her question, he felt a possessive hand on his shoulder and he turned just to get his lips smashed on Jin's plump lips. He didn't know how his omega had found him, but deep inside his alpha purred by seeing his omega kissing him in public.

They both didn't pay much attention to the girl omega who was burning with anger, and Jungkook and Jin broke the kiss to grab some air.

"I missed you, Alpha~" Jin seductively whispered while tracing his thumb over Jungkook's wet lips. Jungkook could feel himself getting hard by how sexy his omega was.

"Aeri, this is my boyfriend. Kim Seokjin." Jungkook circled his hands around Jin's waist while pulling him closer to him. The doe eyes never left the alpaca eyes. They both were drunken in love and lust at the same time.

The girl omega could feel the sexual tension in between the couple, and she felt furious. With a small nod, she left the couple by leaving Seokjin and Jungkook alone.

"Did you eat?" Jungkook asked while caressing his omega's face who closed his eyes by the soft touch. Jin could feel his hole leaking slick and he knew what he needed to do.

When he opened his eyes, Jungkook gulped by seeing his pupil getting dilated. The inner alpha growled lowly by smelling their omega's slick oozing inside his boxers.

"Fuck, you are wet ~ Seokjin~"Jin whimpered by hearing their alpha's husky voice. And he didn't want other alpha to scent his slick. Before Jungkook could ask further, Seokjin was already grabbing Jungkook away from the party by giving small excuses.

Jimin was busy in witnessing the jealousy scene while drinking his apple juice.

"Now I need to find Joonie and make him jealous." Jimin said to himself while his eyes were searching for his boyfriend in the crowd.

Jungkook was losing his mind, by how fast he was being pulled by his omega. He didn't know where they were going, but the alpha groaned when he saw the bathroom door sign. Jin pushed him inside an empty stall and locked the door behind him.

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